Tummys moving faster than Amazon

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South America » Brazil
February 13th 2005
Published: February 13th 2005
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Lucky me, I caught a bug and the official chute from mouth to bottom has re-appeared :-( Not a happy camper. Spent the first day reclining in the cabin and read 11 Minutes by Paulo Coehlo, a Brazilian writer. In the afternoon locals rowed out to the boat with fresh produce and it~s standard practice to throw them some processed foods, too.
Not feeling physically ill but need to be near a toilet, just in case.
Watched City of God with all the boat last night. An 18 year old, decided i was his premiere australian girlfriend and was going to teach me all about love. oh really?!?!? (tremendous monobrow). Shell had experienced the worst tongue in her kissing life the previous night, so did a quick check that he did know how to kiss (6/10), then hid in my cabin :-) My tummy... very sick... ciao ciao!
This morning we arrived in Belem. Just a big city, not anything particularly exciting. Slept most of the day, avoided dinner and watched bad movies on HBO and Cinemax. Something about Gene Hackman dubbed in Portugese that makes it extremely entertaining!


Tot: 0.07s; Tpl: 0.008s; cc: 7; qc: 40; dbt: 0.0457s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.1mb