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January 10th 2008
Published: January 10th 2008
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Thursday 10th Jan Ship Time 1500hrs Home Time 1800hrs

Temperature dropped to a mere 28c

OK three events to report.

Tuesday we left the Amazon River at around midday. The estuary of the river is in the region of one hundred and fifty miles from point to point and due to the fast flow it brings silt and mud which forms a reef across the estuary. The ship has to reduce speed to a virtual crawl as it passes over this reef, the reason, the distance between the reef and the bottom of the ship is no more than twelve feet. We waited for the scrapping along the bottom of the hull but it never happened.

On Wednesday we had to cross the Equator from north to south. Nautical tradition dictates the ship must seek permission from the notorious King Neptune,ruler of the Seven Seas, to cross the Equator, although looking at the picture he looks more like Queen Neptune. Members of the ships company, led by our very own Mizzy, (remember her JT),have to battle it out, P&O staff against P&O.officers, in order to win and continue our journey. Needless to say the officers won, after a bit of cheating, then the journey across the Equator continued.

Today was a treat for us. Laying on deck, meant to say excersing around the deck, the bridge announced that we were being followed by Albatross. We stood on the deck for ages as three of them were gliding and then all of a sudden they dived and caught the flying fish. Many fish went to their doom. It was an amazing sight.

Captains ball tonight so free booze. Yippee

Just thought I would report these events. In port tomorrow after four days at sea so more will follow in a few days.

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11th January 2008

Hi Luvvie and Brenda, had to look twice at the photo of neptune, thought that was you Fred in a light bue swim suit. Sounds like your having a great time, just looked out the window and it is gloomy and raining you lucky devils. Happy New Year bu the way from both of us (mark would have liked a kiss from his fella), still you can't have it all can you. Keep up the good work really enjoying the blogs have put them in their own little file on my computer. lots and lots of love Tracey and Mark

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