Bolivian Road Code

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South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz
September 2nd 2006
Published: September 2nd 2006
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La Paz shoppingLa Paz shoppingLa Paz shopping

One of many thousand of shops and stalls in La Paz... Any orders?
The Bolivian road code must be a small and simple document.

For example the edge of the footpath, the curb, in no way acts as a border or defines where cars stop and pedestrians Begin.

Stop signs are optional.

Red lights are optional, unless you’re going straight through and there is no room on the other side.

Pedestrian crossings are optional, unless you have a red light, but only if you’re not turning.

Speed limits are optionally optional.

There is no limit to how many people the cars can carry or how much luggage can be attached to the car.

You do not need a warrent of fitness of any kind. If it can roll down hill and come to a stop of its own making its good to go.

Indicators, what are they.

Headlights, see Indicators.

As for roundabouts, ignore all of the above.

The use of the horn must make up about 60% of the practical license test. There are many uses that I have seen so far. Some of the more common ones are;

HONK! Please move forward that inch you have spare. I could really

A La Paz street in all its glory. These guys are always cruising around. In fact there seams to be a lot of guns around here.
use it because my whole car is hanging out through this intersection.

HONK! Please move your car, its blocking the intersection.

HONK! Move pedestrian, you are in my way, get off the road.

HONK! Move pedestrian, you are in my way, get off the foot path.

HONK! I haven’t used it in a while, just checking it works.

HONK! Opps. My bad

HONK! Just returning your honk.

And my personal favourite.

HONK! HONK! HONK! Please make way for me, my brakes have failed and I’m coming up beside you whether you like it or not.

As for pedestrians, please take care, the mornings in La Paz can be very cold. Make sure you’re well warmed up because you could be running for your life at any moment.

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Where did my donkey goWhere did my donkey go
Where did my donkey go

This is how everyone carries there stuff here. Every morning there will be masses of people carrying all the stuff they need to set up a shop like this.
The result of all that hard workThe result of all that hard work
The result of all that hard work

This is a normal market street. The flowers and foods smell amazing. You can always smell what street you are nearing. The Witches market with its dried llama foetus smells kind of strange.

2nd September 2006

The Bolivian Road Code is bloody funny...i am beginning to think your vocation in life might be writing...
4th September 2006

just browsing. your blog and pics bring back wonderful memories from last year. enjoy!

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