La Paz

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January 23rd 2008
Published: January 23rd 2008
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I´m slowly but surely getting accustomed to the altitude and life in La Paz. The food is really good here, I especially love the abundance of freshly squezed juices - just like I remember them from Brazil! This morning i went to the Museo de Coca, which illustrates the history and significance of the coca leave in Bolivian society, to the rise of cocaine production and the US war on drugs. It was really interesting. The main region where coca leaves are (have been?) cultivated for illegal drug activities is the Chapare - the region where I´m gonna go to. I don´t think they´re too keen on Americans (and foreigners in general?) there, since the US war on drugs pretty much eroded the livelihood of the local coca farmers.

Also, I changed my plans a bit. In two days I´ll leave for a 3-4 day backpacking trip with another solo traveler I met last night - I knew I brought my hiking boots for something! It´s called the Choro Trek, is 70km long and descents from about 4,800m to 1,700m. It should be fun and quite adventurous, especially with the daily rain.

As far as pictues, I haven´t been taking many so far. I feel weird walking around with a camera, though I probably stick out as a tourist no matter what.


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