LLao LLao Super Bowl

Published: February 5th 2007
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Its Sunday, most shops are closed but the buses are running. Tom and I tried to grab some bikes which did not work out and ended up meeting the rest of our group on the street, then headed off to Llao Llao and the Circuito Chico near Bariliche (a one hour bus ride).

We jumped off the unmarked bus stop and started walking on the road to trek the Circuito Chico. It required us to walk on the road the entire time because they do not have any trails. Something we take for granted in the US. The views were unbelievable. Deep blue lakes with rocky peaks surrounding us. We checked out a cementary at the top of a little hill, which had many headstones of climbers.

Next the highlight of the day, was the lunch spot. On the blue water, over looking two majestic peaks, one with snow, one covered in green. We packed ham, cheese, tomatoes, bread, chips, cookies, fruit and ate as much we possibly could, to the point that we had pack up some leftovers. We all took turns diving into the water. The first plunge of the snow melt lake is shocking, but it feels great. We all laid around, caught up on journals, books, it was a great afternoon.

We topped the day off with the Super Bowl on ESPN deportes, again, the same which let me see the Florida ass whopping of Ohio State. There were 5 Americans including myself watching the game most pulling for Manning, with the remaining Auzzie-Canadian-UK group trying to understand the rules of the game.


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