Jesuit Christ Superstar

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South America » Argentina » Misiones » San Ignacio
September 15th 2007
Published: September 21st 2007
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First of all, apologies for the multiple entries - been a bit too busy for all this computer geek malarkey, plus someone broke the PC at the last hostel... Also I'm once again in a cafe with no USB ports, so can't upload any more photos of waterfalls which I'm sure will disappoint you all.

Anyway, from where I left off, we travelled for 5 or so hours to San Ignacio. The weather by this point was just like back home - bloody miserable. The point of visiting SI was to go to the Jesuit Ruins, which we did. I'm still not sure who the Jesuits were, but they do have some very nice ruins, though I think I managed to break part of them.

After this little excursion, we made a group decision to press on to Buenos Aires, rather than camping in the area overnight. The drive was incredibly dull - the Argentinian landscape is far from exciting. It's perfectly flat, with the odd marshy bit, the odd cow, and the odd smashed up 18 wheeler at the side of the road.

Overnight we camped at another petrol station, this one even more dodgy than the last, plus the girls managed to pitch their tent directly on top of a big cow pat.

The next day we pressed on and arrived in Buenos Aires at around 6pm, and I slept in a bed for the first time in 10 days...


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