OSM´s Phobia

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March 18th 2006
Published: March 18th 2006
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Something new I learnt about my travel companion, OSM.

I didn´t know one can react so strangely when you are afraid of something.

Mimi (the family dog), a rather big but skinny mongrel, roams freely in the house, mostly in the evening. While we were having dinner one evening, Mimi happend to come by to ¨greet¨us and the next thing I knew, OSM actually stood up on her chair, jumped onto the window ledge and soon onto the dining table. We were SOOOOOO shocked to see that kind of reaction from her. After that, she went into hiding and never want to come down to the dining room again.

And on another occasion, we were about to go gai gai and Mimi was hanging around the lobby. OSM didn´t know where to run and she actually climbed up and lie flat onto the stone railings next to the stairway. It was so comical and we laugh so hard till we can´t move. Sorry, it was really funny that we couldn´t do anything to help but just laugh. Lucikly, the receptionist saw and she quickly carried Mimi away.

All these reactions from OSM are really out of our expectation! I´ve never seen her react in such an ¨unsound¨manner before. But OSM, dun worry, we still love you 😊


19th March 2006

Heh! Its Sunday but I'm in office finishing up my PAR form... taking a break (one of many) so checking out SMSMCJ's new adventures! :) The 'Dulce de leche' sounds *yummy* & Your pics of the Flea Mkts look so inviting... it must be such a luxury to just sit & idle away the time just watching the crowds. *sigh... Send a pic of your family in Mendoza... esp Mimi & Momo! Poor OSM must be so paiseh :p Some of my Manila pics on my website liao... the rest up in April. Have you all planned something special for 4th week of April??? :) *Hugs*
21st March 2006

pls convey to OSM that my condelences and sympathy are with her! i truly understand her fear n y she behaves this way!! i almost jump down 11 storey of my flat when my neighbour's cat was looking down at me at the top panel of her glass window!! sigh..u gals dun laugh at her ok... it's v chiam to need to be constantly on ur guard when u sld be relaxing in ur hostel...poor ong mei mei
23rd March 2006

Poor Ong Mei Mei!
I can only say that I am very glad that Ong Mei Mei never jumped onto the window ledge the last time I brought Botox to those few parties. Imagine how high Kay Min'd apartment is, Ong Mei Mei would have suffered a most unglamorous death. So sorry about that. -Yvonne

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