Argentina again

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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires
January 25th 2007
Published: March 5th 2007
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In search of a bud ...
I pluck at your rose petalled lips
He loves me
he loves me not ..?

So i am back in Buenos Aires...el ciudad nunca dormi...the city that never sleeps. My spanish has improved dramatically in the last month. I do not immediately get panicked when someone speaks to me n spanish and expects an answer in the same language, and i have actually foraged into the past and future tenses. I have also somewhat gotten a handle on the verb conjugations, and the persons. All in all i should be speaking like a local before i leave this continent.
I actually enjoy learning a new language. It opens up a world that never was. That and the fact that i will be able to swear south africans without them even knowing it. Grin. But of course i will never do that.
Besides sounding really good i find spanish to be a very succinct language. Says what it needs to say in as few words as possible. Why waste all that time speaking when there is icecream helado to be eaten. Yes for some strange reason the argentineans are hooked on icecream. It was amost

not sure by who...grin. but still beautiful
zero in the south and wind howling away merrily, but the argentineans were still licking at their se por que?

anyway also went canopying...where you zip thru the trees on a wire realllly great. excellent work out for your abs...mine pained for a week afterwards. but they are all nicely flabby again thanks.

and went to the museum of fine arts in argentina. saw painting of monet (two) in real life. did i mention he is my favourite painter ever....and he painted something called waterlillies which a friend dedicated to me. i did not get to see that...cos i think it is in france somewhere...dont ask me why ...but oneday i will see it. but i saw some incredible art. so real. some ethereal even. and i am amazed at how the actual paint and paper have endured centuaries. and some even look like pictures. stunning.

aaaah have i told you guys about the recoletta is famous for housing the cask (and body) of Eva Peron. Ok i not going to go into the history it...but the cemetary also houses famous families...and the freaky thing is that the casks are kept above ground as
Paintin 2Paintin 2Paintin 2

Excuse the nudity. But she looked like she was standing in the wall. very real.
the family runs out of space. so you look into this mausoleum and you can see coffins.....eeeeck

Hasta luego
con beso

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


A MonetA Monet
A Monet words.
Epic sceneEpic scene
Epic scene

really elaborate with sich detail ... its like poetry and caress on paper...oh wait poetry does go on paper!

Yup zipping thru the trees like a modern day tarzan...need to lift those legs higher though. the longest was 250m what a blast. Good for your lungs too
Recoletta CemetryRecoletta Cemetry
Recoletta Cemetry

Yup the elaborate buildings that all house coffins.

where nothing happens
Hot chicksHot chicks
Hot chicks

The hotties showin off their stuff at the Oruro carnival...dreams of them kept me up that night...
The long roadThe long road
The long road

Yup the road is long and indescript. But peaceful and open to your own definition....onwards i go

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