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 Fortín Boquerón dónde empezó la guerra del Chaco contra Bolivia en 1932  

Fortín Boquerón dónde empezó la guerra del Chaco contra Bolivia en 1932

Paraguay "Express"

May 15th 2007
Hola todos, Amigos, Amigas, El viaje entre Posadas y Asunción tarda nueve horas, incluída la hora de retraso al salir y las casi tres horas de espera en la aduana entre Argentina y Paraguay.... la moneda del país es el "guarani". (4000 g. valen 1 chf) Atravesamos largas llanuras y pueblecitos bien arreglados. Hay una sola ruta asfatalda que cruza el paí­s y sino...caminos de tierra. P ... read more
South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn

Paraguayan Flag In the disastrous War of the Triple Alliance (1865-70), Paraguay lost two-thirds of all adult males and much of its territory. It stagnated economically for the next half century. In the Chaco War of 1932-35, large, economically important areas were ... ... read more
15th September 2010

The war didn´t end in boqueron, but 100 square kilometers ahead of the city of villamontes in Bolivia, far west from boqueron. In fact boqueron was one of the first major battles in that war which took place in 1932 and a great loss of life was seen on the side of the paraguayans trying to regain the fort from bolivian hands. This was ultimately accomplished at a great cost for Paraguay, not so for the bolivians with only hundred or so men dead, but with great moral significance for Bolivia when it was finally lost.
8th December 2010

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Mis cordiales saludos.

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