Escaping the English Winter In New Zealand

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Oceania » New Zealand
February 23rd 2006
Published: March 14th 2006
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My Tour of New Zealand

This map shows all the places that I stayed at in New Zealand and also a few of the places that I visited. The locations of the points may be a bit off. All the places I visited in the South Island were part of the Flying Kiwi tour. The North Island places I either visited with my sister and Ian or with my Mum and Alan.

As the end of my work year approached I realised that I still had a whole load of annual leave to use up so I thought what better way to use it than to fly down to New Zealand to visit my sister and get some much needed sun.

I booked up a four week trip and decided to split it into three sections: one week or so around Auckland catching up with the family, eight days on a tour up the west coast of the South Island and then and the remaing time doing a bit of sailing and sun bathing.


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