Silly Plonkas and the Chocolate Factory!!!

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November 13th 2006
Published: November 12th 2006
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We went to Wanaka and went shooting rifles - not at each other but at targets which was cool. Then we had a game of mini-golf, as you can see from the photograph, Rich was not having the best day and even got his ball in the water! We then headed to Queenstown, the adventure capital of New Zealand. We went on the gondola which Kerry was not too sure about and then went on the luge rides which meant getting on a chairlift so Kerry was terrified at this point! The luge rides were brilliant and went really fast -Rich reckons there were flames coming out the back of his! The next day we got up 5.30am (the earliest we have woken in a LONG time) for an adventure packed morning. First of all, we went jetboating which was brilliant except our faces were so cold in the chilly morning wind that Rich thought his nose was going to snap off. Then we went on another helicopter to the start of the white water rafting in the Shotover Canyon. We were told by two girls from Oz that the road to the canyon was awful that other girls were crying
Is there a cat dying in the van?Is there a cat dying in the van?Is there a cat dying in the van?

Oh no, its just Rich singing Faith No More badly, again!!
and shaking because of the narrow road and steep drops down to the canyon. We got in the cockpit with our pilot Bob, who was an older guy who looked very sensible and responsible. However, looks can be deceiving as Bob was an animal - we were weaving in and out of the canyon like something out of the A-Team. It was brilliant! Then it was time for some more white water rafting action with our trainee American guide who probably had the most annoying accent we have ever encountered. Also, things did not go according to plan and we went down a massive set of rapids backwards (we were not supposed to) and Kerry nearly fell out of the raft. Rich pushing me didn't help either!

We then headed to Doubtful Sound and stayed in a holiday park with loads of old Morris Minors - Rich got even more excited when he spotted an old beetle! We went on a boat trip on Doubtful Sound which was very beautiful and saw dolphins and seals as well. Then we went to Dunedin where we went on a tour around the Cadbury's factory! Rich was like a pig in s**t!
Look at this little beauty!Look at this little beauty!Look at this little beauty!

I've found a project for you Glen!
Every question that the tour guide asked, if you shouted out the answer first, you got an extra chocolate bar! We were on a winner and little kids were looking at us with daggers in their eyes but we were winners and they were losers! We went for a swim in the outdoor pool - luckily it was heated as it was a rather chilly day despite the fact that the sun was out. We also went for a walk along Sandfly Bay (we have the bites to prove it) where some massive sea lions were resting. The bulls here can be quite agressive so Kerry was really scared as we walked along the beach with sea lions either side.

We decided to head inland again and drove to Mount Cook village but it was snowing so much that we quickly moved on to Lake Tekapo. It snowed here as well in the night and it was absolutely freezing in our camper! Having had enough of the snow, we went to Christchurch, our final destination in NZ. Here, we went to the zoo where Rich got very friendly with a giraffe and went on the gondola up the big
Silly Plonkas and the Chocolate FactorySilly Plonkas and the Chocolate FactorySilly Plonkas and the Chocolate Factory

Here we are with the Easter bunny!!!
hill and then came down it on mountain bikes. After my last biking experience, I was being very cautious - in fact, I was going down the massive hills slower than the people riding uphill!!! Tomorrow we fly to Singapore and are very sad to leave NZ but also very excited about SE Asia. Take care everyone and thanks to everyone who has been emailing us - it is great to hear how you all are!

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I'm on my way Kate!!I'm on my way Kate!!
I'm on my way Kate!!

This van is full of chocolate!

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