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Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown
October 18th 2008
Published: October 20th 2008
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It has been a little while since I have posted. I have been rather busy with my bus tour of the south island. At first I wasn't too sure if it was worth the money but it totally has been and Im not even done it yet. I have met lots of people and we have our own little group of friends, which makes traveling a lot easier.

It has taken about a week to go from Christchurch which is at the top of the south island to go down to Queenstown. Keep in mind we are only on the bus for about 3 hours a day, the rest we are stopping at places to do some sight seeing and doing other activities. The scenery on the bus tour is amazing, nothing compares to New Zealand. There are mountians everywhere you look and the 'highway' we took was a two lane highway that twist and turns through out these mountians, which made sleeping very hard because A) I was being jolted around too much B) I didn't want to miss anything.

I am glad I got my new camera with a very lage memory card because I have been taking pictures like crazy. I always thought the pictures of New Zealand have been exergerated and only taken in certian areas, but that is really not the case.

New Zealand is also home to over 3,000 glaciers. Two days ago I went on a full day hike through the Franz Joseph Glacier. http://www.franzjosefglacier.com, this glacier is suppose to be very unique since it is in the middle of the rainforest.

There were times I was walking through cracks in this glacier where my back was pressed up against the wall with the other side of the wall only 6 inches away from my face, oh and the top being about 15 feet above me. To make things worse, the glacier is always moving and melting and the guide also said that NZ is awaiting a massive earth quake soon, not the best thing to have going in your head when stuck inbetween two massive slabs of ice.

Queenstown is the adventure capital of NZ, just walking down their main street you can see that pretty much every store is an extreme sport store, so expect some more cool posts soon.

I am unable to post pictures at this time, but I will when I can. Soon I hope.


20th October 2008

Hey you!
Hi Jon, I've been keeping a tab on your blogs and it sounds like you are having a ton of fun! It's awesome that you've met people to travel with, being with people is always more fun than travelling alone! As far as home goes, the weather is wet and crap! But however, we can't wait to see you and hear all about you trip when you get back. Be safe...have fun....and keep posting blogs!!!! Lori xoxox

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