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February 25th 2007
Published: February 25th 2007
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RIght, a second attempt at writing this after losing everything the other day.... I'm afraid my original spontanaity has been lost into the ether.

So, since leaving Christchurch I've been having a brilliant time. Started off at Lake Tekapo - absolutely stunning with turquoise blue water and snow capped mountains in the distance. I walked up a hill (actually a mountain, but as I started at 700m it didn't really seem like it). Hardly saw anyone all afternoon, and went for a refreshing swim on the lake on my way back. Perfect day.

The following day I got the bus to Mount Cook, New Zealand's highest mountain. Walked part way up a nearby mountain to a place called Sealy Tarn - the view from here was spectacular - and well worth an hour a halfs steep climb. Particularly as most of the tourists stayed in the restaurant at the bottom taking photos. SOme real Lord of the RIngs scenary.

Then on to Queenstown. Wasn't sure I was going to like it here, but actually its been great. I'm staying at a hostel called 'Hippo Lodge' which is up a big hill at the edge of town - a killer with my rucksack - but has views for miles over the lake and mountains. Several other nice people staying there - so had a nice time just relaxing and chatting. A couple of days ago I went for my tandem hang-glide. This was so surreal. It felt exactly like I dream flying to be like. I felt like I was watching a film from the sky - didn't feel like it was really me - so I wasn't at all scared. SPent about 20 minutes circling in the thermals. By this time I felt pretty sea sick, so was glad to get my feet back on the ground. Quite tempted to try some more 'adrenaline activities' - maybe a ski-dive in Taupo??

I've just got back from an overnight trip to Milford Sound. Amazing (I apologise for excessive use of adjectives..). Stayed on a little 12 person boat, so felt like we had the whole place to ourselves. The weather was good yesterday, then rained overnight, so all the waterfalls appeared. Saw lots of little dusky dolphins swimming round the boat - I always thought dolphins were a bit over-hyped - but they were so cute - I'd quite like to try and arrange to go swimming with some now...

Tomorrow I'm off to Wanaka. Just bought a Tranga camping stove for some 'tramping' I have planned. Very excited. Also completely jumped on the icebreaker band wagon (NZ merino wool), and now own socks, t-shirt and hat, to go with my thermals I already had...


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