Still Working

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March 19th 2006
Published: July 11th 2006
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My birthday was absolutely wonderful and thanks to everyone from home and their wishes. I had to work in the morning, but I had one of my customers bring in a basket of flowers and wine for me. That was a little odd though because I had not even been at my job but about a week. But, it was still a nice surpise. I went to dinner with my friends here and they suprised me with a cake that had Happy Birthday Amy written on it and put in 23 candles!! If I had to spend my birthday away from home, this is exactly the way I would want to do it. I quit my night job. My boss was crazy and I didn’t feel like dealing with it. I am still working full time during the day at Barcelona and working a few night shifts a week and that suits me fine. I absolutely love it there. My boss is wonderful and the people I work with are great. I went to my first rugby game here on Friday. Rugby here is insane. Take a hard core college basketball fan and multiply it by at least 10. That is how the fans that are mildly interested in rugby act. The game was ok. I didn't really understand what was going on and got a little bored by the actual sport. But the fans definitely kept me entertained. It is starting to get colder here. We are going into fall, which really sucks because I have no warm clothes. Today was daylight savings here, but we turn the clocks back an hour since we are in fall. I explained the expression fall back and spring forward to my friends here and they just thought that that was the neatest way to remember. I bought a ticket for Australia for May 22nd. My Dutch friend, Marije and I have become very close and she has a camper van in Australia waiting for her for when she gets back to Australia, as she was there before she came over here. She is leaving in April for Melbourne, which is at the southern part of Australia, and is going to travel for a month to Sydney and then pick me up in Sydney. Then we are going to travel the east coast for two months in her van. She leaves for Holland at the end of July and I will probably head back to New Zealand then.


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