Final day in New Zealand...

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Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Christchurch
January 12th 2008
Published: January 13th 2008
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Finally got to sleep in today, the train was not leaving until 2pm. We got our gear all cleaned up, and then loaded it into the car for the long 3 minute drive to the train station. We went to the post to send some of our souveniers, so we would not have to carry them for the next 4 weeks. We were going to send the NZ guidebooks home, but they would have added $20 to the postage, more then what they were worth, so Murray can carry them for the rest of the trip. After loading up with some fruit, we got on the train and away we went to Christchurch. Very uneventful ride😞 We had a tunnel that stretched a few km, some nice river valley scenery, but nothing we couldn't have seen from a car. Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Once we were there, we got a taxi to our hotel and had a bite to eat, and that was it. New Zealand is done and it is now off to Australia, where Penny can finally count continent 6 as official.

New Zealand is definitely a repeat. There were many really great memories of the place. It is hard to imagine an entire country of Hana Highways. Penny was bummed that we didn't get stuck behind a flock of sheep, though we did have a cow stick it's butt in our way once. The door opening up in the helicopter is one of my personal favourite moments, followed closely by the flood we drove through. Penny liked the hot steam from the geysers hitting her feet as she walked by them, though the smell of sulphur was never that appealing. All in all, very happy memories and very good to meet the people we met.


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