Climbing lots of hills

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January 7th 2011
Published: January 7th 2011
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I arrived in Auckland after a long flight from LA - I love Qantas a great airline. Luckily I met a girl called Kat in the immigration queue and ended up spending a lot of time hanging out during my time here. So it is true you do meet like-minded people 'on the road'.

Whilst here I visited the Auckland museum which was interesting and had a great view of the city. As for the city itself it wasn't really cup of tea quite small and quiet - guess it's tough when u come from London. Enjoyed a lunch in K street with Kat just up the road from my hotel.

Hotel was great clean cheap and friendly - city lodge for anyone interested!

Second day here though I visited Devonport, which was like stepping back in time. I also climbed a rather large volcano called rangitoto - I look like death at the top. The Navy Museum was interesting with lot's of stuff on the Battle of the River Plate - dad would have loved it.

Unfortunately most of the trip has had to be with the aid of painkillers - you try climbing a mountain with a chesty cough...

Had my final meal in Auckland at a great Korean place with my new friend Kat - had a lovely evening before heading off to pack for the next leg of my journey.

So to Rotorua - I walked the mile or so with my heavy bags to the local Thrifty office to pick up the car. The guy looked slightly confused when I was asking strange questions about the rules of the road. In fact driving in NZ is incredibly easy (well so far!) - long roads where you hardly meet a soul for miles. Lovely stuff.

I stopped off at a place called Te Ahora on my way - what a great place I arrived to the town centre (literally just a strip of shops) the local radio playing Elvis and Dolly Parton it really was like stepping back in time. Again. In fact NZ is a time machine set permanently to the 1950s. I confused the local tourist guide when I asked her if I was allowed to pay in the main street, was it time limited and did I have to pay. It's free of course.

After Te Ahora and another dose of Tylenol I headed on down to Wairere Falls just south of Te Ahora. I trekked the 45 minute walk to the lowest lookout and it was definitely worth it - I must have looked awful though as fellow travellers kept making odd comments as I made my ascent.

I am now in my dormitory in Rotorua - the Base Hot Rocks hostel surrounded by many young people - why do I feel old? Time to get the old cossie on and into the pool to make some friends. I think. Mmmm..

K xxx


7th January 2011

You're absolutely right - it is way back in the 50's over there - and some of it is good, some not so good. Sorry to hear about your illness - look after yourself. Who knows, deep breathing in the sulphur pools might help. You never know. Glad you enjoyed Santa Monica. We never went there (or at least I can't remember doing so) but we did do a fair bit of the coastline - and yes, it was lovely. Looking forward to the next blog!

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