Blogs from Whangarei, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 14


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 26th 2009

Hi This is to let you know that "Hakura" is high and dry in Norsands Boat Yard in Whangarei. During our visit to the Bay of Island we miss judged the tide and we went around for 5 to 6 hours. Not the most fun thing I have ever done. We got off OK however, Hakura was taking on more water so we sliped her in Whangarei. There appears to be a problem with the join between the lead keel and the wooden base of the keel. I am presently taking off the anti-foul so we can see what is up. The lead keel may have to be dropped therefore the mast must come out. I'll be giving photos n updates as we go. Doug... read more
Part of the problem
Water in the rudder

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 23rd 2009

Well - finally our last full day in Tutukaka Heaven has dawned. We leave tomorrow for 3 nights in Auckland before flying home on Saturday. It has been an amazing week staying here - very relaxing and enjoyable, and the scenery seems to have changed every day. We were very fortunate last night to experience the most amazing rainbow - just as the sun was going down. I have never seen such a colourful, fully formed and vivid rainbow - EVER! Just incredible - I hope the pictures capture some of what we saw. On reflection - our time in NZ has been nothing but a wonderful experience. We have seen and done more than I could have imagined - icebergs, big cats, amazing scenery - mountains, fiords and coastal areas, huge pools of bubbling mud, ... read more
If I wish really, really hard...
Definately Heaven
Rainbow's End

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 21st 2009

Slightly more cloud and a little cooler (28) today so decided to head out exploring again. We had read of two attractions in various guide books (Rough Guide and Lonely Planet to mention just two) - so ventured back into Whangerei to see the Kauri Park (with its much boasted about canopy walkway) - and Whengerie Falls with its "beautiful falls". We went to the Kauri Park first... followed a winding track through some trees and ferns until we met the "canopy walkway". It is a 70 metre wooden bridge (obviously not as impressive as the Whananaki Bridge the day before!) that takes you across a small valley - where there are a small group of Kauri trees on the other side (well, we spotted about 4 in total). Yes they are big, and the bark ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 21st 2009

You will be pleased to hear that its sunny again here in heaven... in fact as I type it is a bit too warm (32-34) - very humid and we could do with a bit of cloud to cool things down. Never satisfied us brits are we! After spending yesterday watching the rain, wind and waves we decided to head out and explore a little further out of Tutukaka. Heading north - we following the winding coast road past yet more stunning scenery, sandy bays, rocky outcrops, turquoise sea and white surf.... oh how I will miss this back home. Then the road weaves its way around the many hills, heading slightly inland until we spotted the sign for Whananaki South. This is where the road became a little more interesting. In NZ terms it is ... read more
Longest Footbridge in Southern Hemisphere
Entrance to Whananaki School

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 19th 2009

Well - you will be thrilled to hear that not everything is perfect in our little corner of heaven.... its raining! We are currently experiencing the tail end of a tropical cyclone - so its humid & warm (around 24-26), very blustery and raining horizontally! Still love it here - the views are changing all the time as the wind and tide stirs up the sea and the waves come crashing in. We ventured out for lunch yesterday - down to the harbour front at Tutukaka. After admiring the many boats / yachts we couldn't afford (numerous worth several million $ I suspect)... we ambled to the Schnappa Rock cafe and restaraunt. As it was just around midday we were asked "Will you be eating breakfast with us today?" - a little confused we looked at ... read more
But still beautiful...

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 18th 2009

Well - good news - our wonderful accomodation does have a computer room (well, bit more like a cupboard in the corner of the "games room") - but the computer is modern, and fast - and hopefully will allow me to download some pics of our little abode.... We are staying at Pacific Rendezvous on the edge of Tutukaka (north of Whangerei) - and it is stunning. This part of the coast is famous for diving - as there is a marine reserve just off the coast and also two large shipwrecks just 2km off the coast. Tutukaka is made up of a series of small bays - probably around 8 -10 in total, with rocky islands and inlets that keep the surf and currents away - ideal for swimming and kayaking too (maybe when I ... read more
Not a bad view...
Its a tough life...

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 18th 2009

we have been to warkworth for one night. it was to hot in the motel! anyway we went to the kauri forest.tyhere is a lovely boardwalk all through it. only one picture . also a foto of my latest pain ting.... read more
sunset painting

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 18th 2009

Went to Zion Wildlife Gardens just outside Whangerei today - for our Adult Big Cat Encounter. We had a fantastic time - the park is very small and they insist on people booking to visit - so there are only groups of 8-10 people max at any one time. We had a tour of all the cats to start with (approximately 40 in total which took around 60 mins) - lions, tigers (orange and white), black panther, cheetah's etc etc.... Then with the assistance of a handler (for obvious reasons!) - we spent around 15-20 minutes right up-close and hands on with a beautiful white tiger called Shanti..... what a fantastic experience - her coat was very similar to a domestic cat - and she made appreciative noises for all the scratching and fuss she was ... read more
Big Cat
Hungry? Hope not!

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 17th 2009

I had been in touch with kerrin for a few weeks and was very much looking forward to meeting her, her family and seeing what the whole woofing expience was like! It was very strange entering a family like that, all of a sudden being so involved in such an intimate siuation... i loved it. Kerrin, the mom, was such a great motherly figure. Always making sure i was well fed and taking care of anything that needed to be done. Ralph, the dad, was an old wise sort who love sit around and chat about how nothing is at it seems. Rubin, their 19 year old son, had a very unique personality and sense of humor and we quickly became freinds. Murphy and ViVi were like the little sisters i always wish i had. ... read more
the house
Milking Goat
Sun rise.

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Whangarei February 16th 2009

Spent yesterday travelling from Rotorua to Whangerei (North of Auckland)... a word to the wise - don't underestimate how long it takes to drive around NZ.... the last 100km felt like 500km! We have just booked to stay for 6 nights on the east coast - about 40 mins north of Whangerei - in a small complex of chalet's on a rocky outcrop - with views up and down the coast and a private beach. Needless to say they do not have internet facilities - so you will have to wait until we are back in Auckland in a week or so - to hear all about it and see all the wonderful pictures I am about to take... However - tomorrow we have booked to go to Zion Wildlife Gardens (of the Lion Man fame ... read more

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