Lake Taupo

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February 12th 2009
Published: February 21st 2009
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Rob just about to do his bungy jump
30th December - 2nd January 2009

Lake Taupo was a fun place to visit. We decided that as we had been careful with money so far, we deserved to let go a little and have some fun. Our first stop was to look at the bungy jump - all 47 metres of it - over the stunning Waikato River. It's the highest bungy that you can be 'dipped' in water, in the world. This was one of the main things Rob wanted to do in New Zealand. We walked onto the platform and looked down. I'm not great with those sort of heights and felt dizzy whereas Rob was like an over-excited child. I wanted to do the bungy for myself, as a kind of challenge, but I knew looking down there was no way it was going to happen. Rob couldn't wait so we decided to come back the following morning, as he had a discount ticket to jump before 11am.

We booked on a campsite in town which was pretty heaving as it was coming up to New Year's Eve. We had looked at the free site near the Huka Falls, which was in a lovely setting, but there were some real idiots hanging around down there who looked like they might be a bit of a nightmare so we decided against it. Turned out we did the right thing as we heard there was trouble down there on New Years Eve with fires and police involved. It's a shame there are idiots who have to spoil the most beautiful places. After looking at the free site we drove to the Huka Falls, walked down to the viewpoint and watched the jetboat which went right up to the base of the falls. The falls aren't high, but very turbulent and a really lovely crystal-blue.

Next morning, Rob did his bungy jump. All through the evening before I had felt that I would be able to do it - it's amazing how confident you can feel after a couple of glasses of wine - like you can do anything! I was brought back to reality with a bump when I stood, sober, back on that platform. Rob stood ready for his jump, and I felt sick as I tried to take a photo, leaning over the handrail. He did the jump, letting out a very manly scream and got dunked in the river, right up to his knees! It looked amazing and terrifying and he loved it. We bought the dvd and photos of the jump, which were really good.

In the afternoon we went kayaking along the Waikato River. It was incredibly beautiful - the most beautiful river I think I have ever seen - the water is all kinds of blue/aqua. We loved kayaking - it was our first proper go at doing it. We paddled to where the bungy is and stopped to watch nutters jumping off, then paddled on to a hot spring where we lazed under mini falls of hot water before paddling on to the end of the trip. I think we could really get in to kayaking.

In the evening we went in to town with some friends we had met back up with, after a chance meeting on site (Steve, Lin and Emily - who we first met in Thames) as it was New Year's Eve. There was a free concert which we watched for a while, then we found a bar to have a few beers and see the New Year in.

After a lazy

Rob just about to bungy
New Year's morning, recovering from the night before, we went on a brilliant sailing trip on Lake Taupo to see the Maori carvings. The skipper, Bill, was great - a really funny guy with all the ready wit and banter. We had a real laugh. The weather was great and it was so relaxing lounging around on the deck. We bobbed around in the water, looking at the carvings (which were lovely) and drinking a beer, provided courtesy of Bill, then sailed back.

Felt quite sorry to leave Taupo the next day - there is heaps to do there and a great feel to the place.

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


After the jumpAfter the jump
After the jump

Rob, soaking wet after his dunking in the river
Waikato RiverWaikato River
Waikato River

The river is the most incredible colour
 Sailing trip Sailing trip
Sailing trip

Rob and me on The Barbary, our sailing trip on Lake Taupo
Sailing on Lake TaupoSailing on Lake Taupo
Sailing on Lake Taupo

Relaxing on deck with Bill, our fab skipper
Maori carvingsMaori carvings
Maori carvings

These are on Lake Taupo and we saw them on our sailing trip

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