Dec. 22 Taupo

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December 21st 2006
Published: December 21st 2006
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Last nights Maorian, Maiti, concert was insane! Yes, a bit touristy but amazing! Im so glad we went!!! A shuttle arrived at 5:45 to pick us up at our hostel, we arrived around 6pm....we all got packed into a "ike wedding reception geen tent"...where dinner plates were set up.....our MC came out, talked to us about what we were going to experience, asked us all where we were from, it appeared that 21 countries were being represented that night!. after 30min...we all went to an half outside, half inside stage....where the concert was going to take place. As the concert went on, the weather turned into dark skies, bad rain and started HAILING...I couldn't believe it...I was freezing and I was wearing tons of clothing, I can just imagine what the poor maori's were experiencing with their barely anything attire.....we were explained what some of their tat's represented...among other things. I took good videos with my fancy camera...I hope to one of these days download it all here.
Ah, we also, took a night hike around this amazing forest they had there....and got to see the magical GLOW WORMS, these lil beatles (larave) that glow in the drak....tons of lil shinning stars in the forest, it was brilliant!!!!!!!!!!! I love it here...can I stay here?????!!!!!!
Well, today we are in Taupo waiting to take a bus into National Park were we will saty for two night.....hope to meet Juliet, the german girl we met in Roatura...and we all hope to do the Tangorino Crossing this will be an all day hike but we need good weather....keep your fingers crossed that we get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS---Almost everywhere we have eaten, we always find hairs in our food, jejeje, gross, but ive come to get used to it, if you can believe it!!! LOl.
Finally, my fever blisters and pink eye have seem to have disappeared....I guess the medicines I was taking were SUPER STRONG!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness for drugs!!!!
PS----my hiking boots are coming along just problems yet!!!!
Ok, until soon.
Pura Vida,


21st December 2006

Loving your blog!!
I love getting the daily updates!! It's like I'm traveling along w/ you. Now if you'd just put some pictures up... hehehe. So, did the maori do the haka?? How awesome!! I'm totally jealous! Sounds like you're having a blast! I'm excited to leave for Jersey tomorrow - xmas vacation - woohoo!! NJ is probably not as exciting as NZ, but I'll take it. If I don't write again before the weekend, have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

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