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Oceania » Fiji » Yasawa Islands
May 1st 2008
Saved: December 18th 2013
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I think you all know that last Friday me and Scott returned to the UK after being away for just under 4 months! Gosh it went so so quickly and we both cannot believe were back! I can't believe we've been back a week already - we still haven't managed to catch up with everyone - but we will do! Things have been hectic since we got back so i've only just found some time to update the blog! Unfortunately we were not able to keep the blog up-to-date whilst in Fiji and the USA as the internet as was so so expensive.

So heres what happened whilst we were in Fiji

Tuesday 22 April - Thursday 1 May
We left Sydney on the 22 April and flew with Air Pacific (the most laid back airline we have ever flown with!) to Fiji which took 4 hours. Going from Sydney were it was 18oc to Fiji where it was 30oc and 80% humidity was a shock to the system! We stayed on the mainland (Nadi) where all the international flights arrive for 1 night as we arrived too late to catch any of the ferries to the islands. We stayed in a really nice hostel, who picked us up from the airport for only £8 each for the night.

On Wednesday we left the mainland at 7.15am, caught the shuttle bus to the ferry terminal and then caught the ferry to Waya Island in the Yasawa chain of islands in Fiji. (Just for those of you who are interested Fiji consists of over 300 islands)! The ferry took 2 1/2 hours to get to Waya Island as it stops off at various other islands on the way including the island where the ITV series Celebrity Love Island was filmed (unfortunately I cannot remember what this island was called), where you can stay.

When we arrived at Waya Island, we were greeted by the local Fijian people who performed a welcome dance. That evening we attended a Kauva Ceremony which is a traditional Fijian welcome ceremony. The ceremony involved a lot of clapping and drinking a local drink known as Kauva. Kauva is not alcoholic but apparently if you drink too much of it, it can make your mouth go knumb. The Kauva tasted like muddy water (and we had to drink it twice)! It is rude to say no when you are offered the drink.

Whilst on Waya for 7 days we did not actually get up to alot. Having spent 6 weeks travelling quite extensively on the east coast of Australia we just wanted to spend some time chilling out and relaxing and Fiji was a great place to do just that! We spent the majority of of our time relaxing on the beach or by the pool. We did hire a kayak one day and went sea kayaking which was brilliant. The sea was so clear you could see all the fish just from sitting on the kayak! There were also a lot of flying fish which kept jumping out of the water right in front of us!

We also visited the local village whilst on the island (Nalauwaki Island). It was interesting to see how the Fijian people live and the Fijian people were so nice and friendly. We got to see the pre-school which was tiny, the church and also the homes (huts) in which the Fijian people live. As it was the school holidays in Fiji the children were running around everywhere. Before we left the village we visited the local craft market and brought some souvenirs.

On the 1 May we left Waya Island and headed to the mainland so we could catch our flight to Los Angeles. Our flight left Fiji at 10pm, was 9 1/2 hours long and arrived in Los Angeles at 1pm on the 1 May (9 hours before we left Fiji). This was due to us crossing the international date line. So for us the 1 May 2008 lasted 42 1/2 hours - the longest day of our lives ever!

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