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10th May 2006

eggs in a hole
Hi Andy! I'm sorry to have to break this to you, but "eggs in a hole" already exist in the United States... In fact, I had them for breakfast the day before yesterday. You are right, though, they are quite delicious. And easy. Actually, it's funny you can't remember the exact name because Molly and I have a running debate about this. I forget exactly what our positions are, but I think I might be trying to impose the name "toad in a hole", which is of course blatantly wrong but it's funny to try to argue for it. Back at Amherst, it's finals time, which totally sucks. Yargh. Hopefully we can all keep it together for a little while and then catch up on our sleep and relax. And then... summer(/winter for you)!! Does this mean you're finally coming home now, or will you be doing stuff in Australia still? Peace, Alexx
13th May 2006

The "egg in a hole-in-toast" was a breakfast specialty of the house at The White Spot diner in Charlottesville, VA when we lived there twenty five years ago. They too had a specific name for it which I can't remember either! They also served a fried egg on cheeseburger (Gusburger): Daddy
18th May 2006

Nice one
My first blog (!- been wondrin wot it is...). Just to say have been looking at your piccies and think they're really good. You have a great eye and I've really enjoyed looking at them. Has made me want to think about putting some on. Thanks R. PS Can I ask what camera you use?

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