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December 6th 2007
Published: December 7th 2007
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from the lookout at King's Park
Being back in a big city was kind of strange....

I was staying with Lynn at Billabong, a nice hostel with swimming pool and lots of places to relax and chill out...Perth itself is a big city, but different. The city centre, like in all the main cities i've been so far here in OZ, in composed of huge skyscrapers, nice tropical parks, people everywhere...but the moment u pass the 'border' of this district, everything becomes small...only one or two stores buildings, small shops and cafes, lots of bars and pubs (specially in northbridge)...very nice...but what had catched more my attention in Perth is that at 18h everything is dead. The big city that had so many people on the streets some hours earlier becomes a city without soul. And just in some pubs u could find people...strange...

Also the whole Christmas decoration was for me out of's kind of strange to be walking in shorts and t-shirt and sseing santas all over the place, x-mas music in the no...i still cant really get used to it!!! but what is true, is that australia is the place to go shopping!!! u cant imagine how my backpack was

this was the fesatival i suddently 'found' in Freemantle when i first got to Perth!!!
when i had to leave perth...i almost couldnt carry it!! amazing shops with amazing cloths!!! 😊

We (lynn and me) spend our first day in Perth on Graham's boat. He is one of the guides who drove us up to Exmouth. He invited us on his boat so we could see a little bit of the coast. Really nice!! and a very nice day!!! well, and the next two days were more shopping and sightseeing days...

i took my flight from perth to sydney on wednesday night. In Sydney the sky is covered with grey clouds, it rains!!! well, i suppose it's a good step to get used to the Spanish winter which is waiting for plans for the few next days are more social than touristy...i'll meet people i've met during my travellings, go for a 'walk' on pete's boat again, weekend markets...and on monday i'll be on the plane...incredible!!! too good too fast!!!

besillos a tutti!!!

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the swan towerthe swan tower
the swan tower

has bells's supposed to be the biggest instrument in the world?? mmmm...
Christmas decoration in London's CourtChristmas decoration in London's Court
Christmas decoration in London's Court

this small and nice street in the middle of Perth imitates the old London streets...

7th December 2007

Se acaba lo bueno
Unos días mas y tendrás que enfrentarte a la rutina, APROVECHA!!!!!!!

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