End of Australia

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May 18th 2007
Published: May 18th 2007
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It seems so strange, but I've finally come to the end of Australia. The East Coast with Jenny was lots of fun! After Surfers Paradise we travelled down to Byron Bay where we spent a couple of very chilled out days on the beach and caught up with some friends, very relaxed! from there we went to surf camp. surprisingly we both did ok at this! there were some spectacular fall-offs, but also some amazing standing-ups (the boards we were using were very much beginner boards and very easy to use!).

Sydney was amazing!! I absolutley loved it there (it took some persauding to make me leave!). Whilst Jenny was still with me we visited the Blue Mountains, spending the day looking at the 3 sisters and amazing landscapes; saw the Olymipc Park; walked over the Sydney Harbour Bridge (very scary!); visited Bondi and Manly beaches; and generally shopped!! we had a night of total luxury on Jenny's last night - it was so nice to have a bath and dress up.

Jenny then flew home and I decided to extend my stay in the city. During my last week there I went on the 1st of my Neighbours nights (basically a bar where you meet the 'star's'of neighbours - i met Karl, Janelle & Libby), toured the Opera House and the Botanics; did the Coogee to Bondi walk (Bondi looks far better in the sun than the rain!); went up the tower for amazing night views of the city; Paddy's Market; and just generally relaxed in the park in the sun a lot.

From Sydney I came down to Melbourne via Canberra (not a lot going on there apart from the parliment buildings), Jindabyne and Lakes Entrance - all very pretty places, but slightly cold due to being in the mountains! it was really interesting though seeing yet another side of the Australian landscape - it really does have everything! On arrival in Melbourne I went on my 2nd neighbours night (some people call it stalking!) where I saw Karl's band play, heard Libby sing, and met Karl & Janella again, as well as Connor and Madge. Whilst being in Melbourne i've generally just done all the touristy things: the museums (i've enjoyed doing the cultural things again rather than just lying on beaches!); did the Neighbours tour (you go to the street); the markets and parks; as well as an aussie rules football game which was so much fun!! a very different atmosphere to football games at home, alot friendlier!

Caty (friend from uni) has now come out to join me and we did the Great Ocean Road the other day, including going up in a helicopter to see the 12 Apostles - it was absolutly incredible!! stunning views, and a lovely clear day - really good. Tomorrow we're off to Bali and somehow working our way up SE Asia to hopefully end up in Hong Kong in 11 weeks time! I'll keep yo updated to where we are and how we're getting on!

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18th May 2007

tch tch spelling..........
it's spelt Darling, Darling

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