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March 28th 2007
Published: March 28th 2007
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Mar 27. It seems I've lost my account of the last few days so there will be a gap in my rivetting experiences. No matter. I did spruik successfully at the Canberra food market. Yesterday in Albury filmed by Prime Seven and WIN Nine. 'Border Mail' did interview and pic. I missed seeing the Seven story as the broadcast was from 5:30 whilst I arrived at pub at 5:55 expectantly. Missed the Nine story because it was on after the weather - the last item - and I had left thinking nothing follows the sport. This morning found story in newspaper. Went to ABC and did radio interview. Later got confirmation of both TV stories. That made for a quinella in Albury!!! Driving toward Melbourne stopped in Wangaratta. 'Courier' did interview and pic. Picked up daughter Kate at airport.
Mar 28. Today mellow with daughter. Got email from ABC Riverina (Wagga) requesting interview for Friday morning. Very good. Also got some very poisonous emails. One threatening to track me down in Albury and kill me.


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