In Tassie (Hobart)

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March 14th 2009
Published: March 14th 2009
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After a very wet week in Sydney myself and Alex decided to head to Tasmania for a while as it was sunny there. So we packed our bag and left a very wet sydney behind.

I stayed at one of Alex mum's old school friends house for 3 week and in that time we rented and car for 4 day and took ourselves to Port Arthur which was a huge prison/village community. We did the ghost tour wich was kinda scary at times especially in the single cell prison. We pretty much ran out of the place. But it made you want to see do much more of the place for the the next day we went back and look at all the old buliding with more understanding of them and it as really interesting.

Next stop was Hasting Caves and Thermal Pool which you can't really describe it just very out of this world something you only usually ever see on tv. Then we swam in the pool with was more like a out door swimming pool than a thermal pool. But it was ok as it got us warm again.

Cascades Brewery was our thursday trip were we learnt how they make beer and got a tour round the place however it seem now one worked there except the tour guides. Nothing was happening so our tour guide was very hyper and descrided the whole bottling process to us. Then we got to try the beer at the end however Alex doen't like beer and i decided none of the beers tasted right so we stuck to cider boring i know and gaive out 2 remaing beer tokens to a couple who were very greatfull.

One weekend we decided to have a few drinks in the Irish Bar and we it ended up to be a very fun night out as were then sitting talking to a load of New Zealand Navy Crew who had just ported that evening and we even managed to get a tour of the ship which is huge and confusing as all levels look the same, However I got to sit in the captins chair whilst Alex sat in the first officers chair.

Thats about all in Tassie


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