TransCan To Australia

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Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Barossa Valley
October 16th 2008
Published: October 16th 2008
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Hi All,
I made it, I'm in Australia!! Flew into Adelaide on the 14th. Getting through customs was interesting, to prevent invasives, they have strict policies on food stuffs etc. and to enforce, they come through the baggage claim area with a food sniffing dog!!! I had been given some trail mix, and I also had rice and cereal in my food bag and that all had to get tossed. And of course my fond experiences with security continued. I used 1 of my small panniers for carry on for my helmet and a couple of books, I thought I had cleaned everything else out of it, but some how I missed the Brooks saddle service kit. I went through security in SF OK, but in Sydney they found the small saddle tensioning tool. A small rounded tool but a tool, and their thing is no tools period so out that went!!!! At least the bike arrived OK except for some scratches and after assembly in the lobby I road about 5K to Annie's Place Hostel in the city. A fun hostel with travelers from all over.
A brief tour of the city and then of course I started riding. Australia is fantastic, the people are so friendly and out going and the bird life is incredible, (and most are very loud!!!). It's spring here, so the temperatures are good for riding so far, around 70 to 80F, though last night was a little cold, maybe 45F. Driving on the left side of the road is different and I'm really having to be cautious and pay attention when ever I'm making turns and such. I camped last night in a Caravan Park, basically a tent and RV park. Very nice with hot showers, a barbeque, and laundry room, though no picnic table to sit at at!? Yesterday I saw 1 kangaroo in a field but I wasn't able to get a photo as he was hiding in tall grass. I'm on my way to Melbourne and I'll try to include a map.
OK, hope all is well, take care all!!!!


16th October 2008

hello from your random Aussie friend who nearly killed you!
Hi...well, it was really nice to meet you and I am sure you will blog how we met! I'll let you tell your friends and family what happened! Anyway we wish you all the best with your cycling around Australia! It's nice to see that you wrote that Aussies are friendly...well we are....(just got to watch out for those crazy Aussies that open their car doors at the wrong time!!!!!!!!!!!) Anyway, keep in touch! Carolyn
17th October 2008

Hello George - Good to see your blog updates
George, What you are doing is incredible. I applaud you on fulfilling your dreams. We do think of you here at IBM and you name comes up in different conversations. Glad to see you reach Australia safely. From the blog, it appears that you are having a blast. We miss you but glad to see that you are realizing your dreams and having fun traveling. Take care and keep blogging
21st October 2008

Keep The Updates Coming !
George, I just love this process ! Stay safe and enjoy the ride since you know I live vicariuosly through your cycling. Wally

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