Blooming Sea Gulls

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July 5th 2008
Published: July 11th 2008
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Little FishiesLittle FishiesLittle Fishies

At Reef Aquarium, Townsville

5th July - Reef Aquarium

One of the main reasons we came to Townsville was to visit the Reef Aquarium, recommended by the Lonely Planet guidebook. We were a wee bit dissapointed with it. It was interesting and they had lots of fish but 'Lucky T' the sea turtle must have been feeling ill that day as he wasnt at home! :-(

After the aquarium we wandered along the coast through the Anzac Memorial Gardens which were lovely - I'm a sucker for palm trees and there were loads! The gardens were just in front of the marina so the views were beautiful and the weather in Townsville always seems to be great.

We had lunch at a cocktail bar / restaurant which was on a platform above the sea so had a lovely view of the bay. I had a pizza and was halfway through eating when Amy pointed out a sea gull had pooped on my pizza (and on my drink!!). Was lucky she told me because I had seen it and thought it was pesto and was just about to take a bite....lovely!

We got ice creams and sat by the sea
Big ugly fishBig ugly fishBig ugly fish

....we just saw a slightly smaller version when we were snorkelling...scary!
in the afternoon. I think we might have annoyed the ice cream lady because we each tried about 10 flavours each before deciding which ones we wanted! I didnt even know you coud do this but will definately be doing it a lot more in the future - much better value for money.

We cooked at the hostel tonight (we had spag bowl for the second night running - Amy insisted on putting in a whole tin of peas and sweetcorn because we realised we hadnt eaten vegtables in 2 weeks!).

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Castle Hill, TownsvilleCastle Hill, Townsville
Castle Hill, Townsville

A great place to view Townsville if you are energetic enough to climb didnt.
Gardens in TownsvilleGardens in Townsville
Gardens in Townsville

Lots of Palm Trees

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