Here comes the Sunshine Coast

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April 3rd 2006
Published: April 3rd 2006
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An early and hungover start to the day... which to be honest is quite normal, we check out of the hostel to get the 2 o'clock bus to Noosa, a beach town on the Sunshine Coast. We had all heard very good things about this place so the hype and excitement of going there was on high.
As with all the hostels we have to check out before 10 o'clock so that meant we had to hang around for a while before we could get our bus. The hostel did a BBQ breakfast, which was cool, so in true hungover style a big greasy bacon butty met my satifaction.
We waited at Brisbane transit centre for a couple of hours playing a very stupid game of Matt's called spot the celebrity, whereby when someone walks past you have to say which celebrity they look like, some of the calls were hilarious and nothing like the celebrity we said.
Anyway the bus journey was a couple of hours with some lovely views of the coast along the way. We were picked up promptly from the bus-stop by the Koala's resort van and taken to the hostel after a whistle stop tour of Noosa. It was relatively late but once again the hostel had a BBQ deal on so that was our tea sorted for the night. Jugs of beer were also very cheap, so with the aftermath of the horrible goon still gurgling in our stomatchs we decied beer was a better idea. The hostel was very lively by midnight and a good night was had by all.
Today we spent the day lying on the beach indulging ourselves with the whites, blues, and greens of Noosa bay. The white sand of the beach stretches along a deep tourquise shoreline leading up to the rainforest green of Noosa National Park... I know it sounds awful. A good mess-about in the sea and some good sun time and I am now in an internet cafe. Noosa is a very nice place indeed, a place for the rich and the affluent with lots of expensive resturaunts, cocktail bars and cafes. There are apparently a lot of celebrity homes around this area which doesn't surprise me at all as it is very beautiful.

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