crazy crocs and the southbound hunt for better weather

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March 15th 2008
Published: March 15th 2008
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Felt like a bit of a hedgehog this morning foraging to collect my things and leave the Calypso in and hopefully the Cairns wet season behind me. Got a taxi with a guy called Matt into the city. Met up with two girls Kathleen and Lauren and so the Oz journey began...first stop Innisfail Crocodile farm.

I held a crocodile! fed kangaroos of which I ate later (probably not that actual one but you never know it tasted pretty fresh), I had a lizard on my shoulder and watched crazy guys get insanely close to seriously aggressive crocs to feed them a bit of chicken (they dont like Steve Irwin either! shocker).

On to our first stop Mission Beach staying at Scotty's beach house and planned with Lauren and Kath where we wanted to go and for how long took hours but finally all booked up for Whitsundays sailing and a trip to Fraser Island 4WD self drive adventure (except I may have to drive as im the only one old enough and licenced eek! watch out Fraser Island.

Went for dinner Kangaroo and chips yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bit of night volleyball in the pool before bed too!



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