Mission Beach

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October 22nd 2007
Published: November 23rd 2007
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This was a fun weekend the first time I have been camping without rain, infact it was so hot in thier I hardly had any sleep. Myself and Kat arrived not long after 7am as we set off at 5am so we could watch the sun rise, but due to trhe clouds we did not get to see the sun rise so we really did not need to get up and travel that early.

The camp site was 4* so the erection was about start, on the tent. Kat having worked in the navy had the erection nearly complete by the time I had been to the tollet, great I thought. So off we went to explore this beach and what a view this was, you could see Dunk Island from the beach, I would have loved to have gone across but threr was high winds so the ferry was cancelled.

We did have a laugh as thier was a big boat race going on, people had travelled from all over Oz to compete, but trying to keep thier sails up was proving to be quite a mission, the race would normally go from the waters edge and then around dunk island and back, but this was not going to happen the wind would not allow it so they just went for short distance in a straight line. So yes our camp site was full of upset boat racers.

There is 3 beachs at Mission we stayed in south Mission so in the car we got and traveled to the main Mission Beach, very pretty we stopped of in Scottys the backpackers at around 5.30pm, as luck would have it they were serving FREE wine and cheese and biscuits to all that were staying thier, so yes we had a few free drinks rude not to ha ha.

We set of home the next day aroud 9am stopping at Tully to walk in the great big welly, where the water fall at its highest was 7ft, the pictures of the rain fall were shocking, the river burst its banks and the bridge to get into Tully was under water. This is one of the biggest areas for sugar cain and didn't we know this as suger cain factors stink.

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After erecting the tent

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