Goat Gangster Grant!!

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March 23rd 2008
Published: March 23rd 2008
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Goat RodeoGoat RodeoGoat Rodeo

sarah holdin the horns me turning the goat and maria about to get the brand....the fastest of the afternoon!!!
a headed to a Kroombit Cattle Station.......was not really sure what to expect.....however it turned out to be well worth the long bus trip!!

we arrived about mid afternoon and first up was the option to go horse riding and muster some goats.....it was rainin so a decided to give it a miss.......then once the cowboys/girls came back with the goats we had to participate in a 'Goat Rodeo'.....we were put in teams of 3 and told to invent a name for us. a was put with 2 girls that a had met on the fraser island tour.....a thought of the name...'Goat Gangsters'.....turned out one of the better ones and quite possibly the best!!
we went into the ring with a goat and the first person had to catch the goat and pull it over with the horns....the second person (me) had to pick it up and put it on it's side and sit on the thing then the third had to brand it for 3 seconds. it was a time trial and we came first with the quickest time!!!yeehaa!!

as we were the quickest we had to go back in the ring with about 40-50 goats
Goat RodeoGoat RodeoGoat Rodeo

head to head with some goats!!!
and then herd them out....whilst shoutin...'hey, bop bop...hey, bop bop' then we went head to head with one crazy, mental, insane goat.....we had to swap rolls so a was the catcher this time.......nobody was allowed to sit round the top of the ring as we did previously......so a quickly sussed somethin daft was gonna happen!!
the goat was released and a ran towards nutter and he jumped about 7ft up onto the top of the ring and trotted along the top and jumped back into the pen......it was some sight and a wish a had got it on video!!!
then a 'normal' goat was put in and we completed the challenge.....godd team work!!

then we done some clay pigeon shootin and a was the last to go and all the lads had managed to get 4 out a 5....so the pressure was on Stevie G big time!!!
with everyone watchin a missed the first and the crowd booed......then a pulled out ma A-game and blasted the other 4 like a true professional.....ma stance was all wrong the first shot....and a rekon if a had stood correctly the first time a would have hit all 5!!!!

Goat RodeoGoat RodeoGoat Rodeo

herdin the goats out....'hey bop bop...hey bop bop'!!
all 29 of us went back in the ring and linked hands in a circle......and the guy running the show brought out a 11,000 volt cattle prod....well he said it was 11,000 volts. he asked if there were any electricians......a seemed to be gettin it tight this day.....so a had to go one on one with the cattle prod......a couldn't back out as a would have got ripped all night!!! any way a done it and everyone cheered the hero!!!!!

done some whip crackin at nite too and we got a talk from the station owner who gave us a talk about the station history etc. he asked if there were any scottish.....so the spot light was back on me and it turned out that the first people through Kroombit mant years ago were Scottish....interestin, and the guy who done the rodeo and shootin etc is half scottish as his dad is from Stornaway.....so had a few cans of XXXX with him whilst chattin away!!

had a great time here and they long bus journey was well worth it..........Goat Gangster Grant...c'mon!!!!

we stopped off and played some lawn bowls after we left the cattle
Goat RodeoGoat RodeoGoat Rodeo

me holdin the horns puttin on a show for the crowd after the crazy goat left the arena!!!
station.........it was alright nothin serious........a enjoyed the cold beer afterwards more than the bowls!!!


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me blastin ma way to joint top of the leader board....c'mon!!
Mechanical Bull RidinMechanical Bull Ridin
Mechanical Bull Ridin

the nites entertainment....not oo easy afetr a few too many cans of XXXX!!
Lawn BowlsLawn Bowls
Lawn Bowls

bare footed lawn bowls.....nice day for it and had a beer with the locals, one was scottish, from Ayr...so had a blether with him!!

24th March 2008

NO wonder the thing didn't move with you sitting on it!
24th March 2008

WOT DID YOU SHOUT at them poor goat's,MINT SOURCE or SHE LOOK ALRIGHT A FANCY THAT ONE,look's like you new wot you where do'in anyway????? the LAD'S on the alpha think so anyway??

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