First 3 weeks and 2 days in Oz

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December 31st 2008
Published: December 31st 2008
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Well, I've been here for 3 weeks and 2 days now, although it feels like I've lived here forever (in a good way!).

Well after that original 5 nights in Sydney I thought it would be a good idea to find somewhere for Christmas, since everywhere was getting booked up super-quickly. In the end I picked Canberra, and figured after Christmas I'd just make my way up the West Coast. Of course it didnt quite work out like that, I'm learning pretty quickly that you cant make plans in Australia, because they're all so laid back they end up being late or changing their minds or something and its best just to go with the flow!

Point of info for anyone travelling Oz: 2 days in Canberra is more than enough!! I booked 2 weeks and after 3 days i was BORED STIFF! There's the war memorial, which is alright, but apart from that...not much!! They do have an absolutely HUUUGE shopping centre though 😊 so i was amused (and skint) for the rest of my stay there! I did meet a few cool people, Hannah-Jane most obviously. She was there for the first 3 nights of my stay and then buggered off and left me with crazy old snoring women! I'll be sure to give her a row for that when I meet up with her in January for our trip to Tasmania 😊

So yeah, after HJ there was a string of 1 nighters: old women and weirdos sharing my room, until finally I met Robert in the bar downstairs - a dude from Thurso! WHAT are the chances?! He was visiting Oz with his mate Shona, who's an Aussie but lives in London. They invited me up to Gold Coast for Christmas/New Year, so I managed to cut short my stay in Canberra and head North! Which was double lucky because down South are currently experiencing the coldest Australian Summer on record, and up here is an official tropical climate so its ROASTING! There's been 2 or 3 quite spectacular storms too, I have a few videos/pics but I went and forgot my camera cable so I cant upload them at the minute. I'm gonna get a new cable from K-Mart though, so when I do and manage to get myself sorted I'll put them up for you all to see 😊

Not much else to say, I havent seen many touristy things becuse I've spent the entire time here baking in the sun (in my six layers of factor 30plus of course, but I honestly am getting a tan 😊 no-one else can see it but I can...its definitely there!), drinking beer (Yes Emma/Sophia, I can now drink both beer and wine! yay! although I'd still rather not), eating bbq food (yuuum, sausagessss), and cooling off in the pool! Its a hard life 😉 We've met a few of Shona's old school friends too, they're mostly very nice, although there is one in particular I'm not very fond of (and unfortunately she seems to be here an aaawful lot -_-) and they're all into drugs...which is interesting...not a lot into drugs, but still, its a little awkward to have to keep telling them " No, I dont want it. NOOO, I dont want it, I'm not trying it leave me alone!". They dont really force it on you but you can just tell they're thinking "What a pussy!". But I dont give a shit I'm not doing it. I'm pretty sure thats why that one I dont like doesnt like me, but I dont care cos I dont like her. *mocks her* we should die your hair its dodgy you should stop wearing suncream you'll get a tan blah blah you're so straight laced blah blah. I reaaaaaallly dont like her!

But anyyyyway, I'm here until next Tuesday 6th i think, although I have no idea what I'm gonna do when I leave! I'm thinking Brisbane, its the closest place to here and they're supposed to have a really good live music scene so its defo my kinda place. I also have some vague plans for a 1-day music festival in Feb called "Soundwave", and I'm determined to get F1 tickets too 😊 other than that I've no idea.

Catch ya later losers, I'm going for a dip in the pool! Happy New Year!

Naomi xxx


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