2 Sleeps To Go

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July 1st 2007
Published: July 1st 2007
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Things are getting VERY close now...only a day and a bit left until we leave the country. Iz is probably A LOT more excited than me, but I think as soon as I'm on the plane, or even just see the plane, it will sink in. We had a great weekend catching up with everyone...we will miss you all...but we will be back! I am getting the girls over tomorrow to do a final suitcase pack...and hopefully throw out one or two things. Toiletries seem to be the killer!! As long as I'm under the 15kg mark to start, I'll be happy.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy the blog while we're away. It will be easy to stay in contact with everyone, so feel free to write. We will try and add to the blog every few days. That's all for now from down under...we'll see you on the flip side. First stop...LA! Mickey Mouse Club, here we come!


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