Day 24

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February 9th 2007
Published: February 19th 2007
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To our amazement we woke up to brilliant sunshine this morning... what a relief and such a contrast to the previous day's black clouds and rain.

We had to check out at 9am so got up early and headed to the only swimming hole where there weren't crocs. It was a bit of a dispointment with the water looking quite shallow and mosquitos everywhere! So we went on a board walk through the rainforest. On the way we rain into the Canadian girls who were shooting a nature documentary. Was very funny! There was just about enough time to go for a quick dip in the pool at our hostel before jumping back on the bus to take us back to Cairns.

On the way we stopped at an ice cream farm and the ice cream was out of this world. The flavours were a bit bizzar (macadamia, mango, wattle seed, black sapote/ chocolate pudding fruit) but they worked and tasted so good.

Also on the way back we went on a river cruise. It was so much fun. Our guide was so funny. On the boat we saw two salt water crocs. One of the was huge and 50-60 years old, the other was quite small and only about 6 years old.

Nearer Cairns our litle group got the choice of going on yet another walk in the rainforest or to go to a beach where there was a stinger net which meant we could actually go in the sea. Obviously we chose to sunbathe on the beach! We only had half an hour there but that was more than enough since the sun was super strong. The water was really warm, a bit like stepping in to the bath... not very refreshing to say the least.

Once back in Cairns we had a pretty uneventful evening moving into our new hostel room and having some dinner.


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