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December 13th 2008
Published: December 13th 2008
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An early start, awake at 03.45 for a Hot Air Balloon Flight. We were collected by minibus and taken to a Balloon Launch site, basically a field. There were 5 or 6 balloons being prepared, ours was a nice red one with a Koala on the side. The pilot and ground crew must have been up early as the balloon was already partially inflated when we arrived. But we still had time to watch the gas being turned on, big flame and more hot air being sent into the ballon. Finally it was upright and we started to board - about 16 people- so not very personal. And you have to clamber over the side of the basket to get in

Anyway, a quick safety briefing later (dont fall out and hold on when we land) and we gently lift off the ground accompanied by the loud roar of more hot air being flamed into the balloon. Up we went, higher and higher, up to about 3000 ft - and so silent, except when more hot air is sent to the balloon. We drifted over fields and pastures and even saw a kangaroo bouncing along in the trees.

Afetr 30 mins or so it is time to land - the pilot picks his field and slowly descends. No big landing for us - just a nice slow gently plop onto the ground and it is time to go - all too quickly. Still we were off to the champagne breakfast so it was a very nice end.

A big thank you to all our friends who contributed to a great morning. An experience we will not forget XX 😊

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