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March 11th 2008
Published: March 11th 2008
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Hey folks, well as you will probably see from how short this blog is my last 12 days have not been very productive. I have been here in Cairns and had a really good time but to be honest i've not done an awful lot! We headed up from Tully, where we worked with banana's, for a nice chilled out time and thats we got! Cairns is a lovely place but due to it being raining about 80% of the time ive been here it meant we were limited to what we could do! Here's what we have been up to:

We checked in to the 'International Backpackers hostel' which is situated right by the Esplanade which is gorgeous with its big lagoon and park area with loads of grass for you to lie and chill out on but as i say due to it been very wet i have only managed to go a few times. For the first few days me and Laura just walked about the shops which are really good here, you can get loads of cheap Billabong and Rip Curl stuff but also loads of cheap and tacky souviners-perfect! Aswell as doing some shopping we have went on the internet loads as you can probably see by my blog catch up, and also went to the cinema 4 times!!! We seen 'Definately Maybe', 'Sweeny Todd', '27 Dresses', and 'Fools Gold', all good!

We also got to meet up for a night out with my mate Vicki who i got to know really well in Melbourne so that was awesome and we had a great night getting drunk and dancing the night away! (Only disappointment was we headed to PJ O'Briens which was our favourite pub and a slight addiction in Melbourne only for it to be tacky and had girls dancing with their bums hanging out on the bar-such a shame!!!) Anyways, so after catching up with Vicki, doing some shopping and the flicks there wasn't much else to do so we decided to go mad and buy......puzzle books! Which we ended up addicted to and sitting doing every night here-the excitement i tell ya! But seriously folks, everyone did say there is only so much to do here in the rain apart from getting drunk every night and for some reason i just didnt feel like it! (i know, shocker eh!!)

We had arrived in Cairns on the Friday and after a week it was time to say goodbye to my sidekick, partner in crime, travel buddie, my Laura as she was heading about 2 hours away to a town called Innisfail to work in Banana World again for 2 weeks! She had left the afternoon after our big night out together and oh my that was one drunken night out! We had went to a few bars (Rhino Bar where it was happy hour and well taken advantage of!! The Woolshed where it was ladies night and so the free champers was being given out, again it was definately taken advantage of even though it was rank! And PJ O 'Briens where we just got very drunken!) At about 4 o clock after we had danced the night away (had a boogie to 'Dancing Queen' for Brenda) and definately drunk the bar dry we headed home to collapse on bed and drift off to unconsciousness! Bliss! It had been a fab night out and we had had what a laugh but the following day the laughter ended as i was running to the loo every 10 minutes to be sick! thank god we had loo's near us! Laura, feeling ok, headed to the net and to pick up some lunch whilst i had my head down a loo, once back we got organised and headed to the bus stop where she was getting picked up at 1pm. Halfway there i had to say my goodbye's as i once again had to be sick, bleugh! It was so sad to see her leaving with all her bags and saying goodbye was horrible, especially since we had been having such a awesome time together, i swear i could have cried right there on the pavement but thankfully i never! As i got back to the room and seen her empty bed i felt totally lost, it was horrible! But being the 2 maddies hat we are we just phoned each other about 5 times that day and text about 40 times! We must have spent a fortune! Thankfully i later on felt better and so had something to eat and went a walk, once back in the room i just made myself keep busy with my new puzzle book etc! The following day i felt much better and not as bad about being myself and being without my Laura, i think its always worst the first day you say bye to someone.

Since Laura has left the sun has not stop shining, (she must have been the bad luck haha-just kiddin babe!) and so aswell as going wanders around the shops and to the internet cafe i have also spent some time down by the lagoon chillin out on the grass and watching the bands that come down and play-its awesome! One day it was a awesome older dude and the following it was a group who were fantastic! The lagoon was full of people watching them, cheering when they finished and having a good time! It felt like i was at a festival or something, so cool! Both bands had a cool old dude with a long grey beard (which he had pleated!) dancing with tambourines reggae style, apparently he just goes down and shaked his tambournies for what ever band is playing haha!

I also went out once again with my mate Vicki who had went on a trip for a few days but now had returned. We got drunken on the dreaded 'Goon' at her hostel then headed to The Woolshed for a night of fun and dancing, it was great! (Julie and Lynne i once again apologise for calling you both and speaking a load of rubbish-drunken rambling me thinks!!!) Thankfully though the next day i was not sick and actually managed to have a normal day! Although i did only have about 4 hours sleep due to the bloody new German girls in my room! Honestly at 9am it was curtains open, light on (extremely bright might i add!!) hairdryer full blast and talking with their extremely annoying and high pitched voices-grr!!!!! They had really well and truely annoyed me as when i came in from being out with Vicki the previous night they had taken my bed cover so i was frozen all night! Once they eventually left after about 2 hours in front of the mirror applying mascara i jumped up on stole it back-the bloody cheek of them! That night after Sunday dinner with Vicki (my first proper meal in ages-chicken schnizel and mash mmm!!!) i headed back to pack up my things as checking out of the hostel the following morning and i also wanted a early night due to my very little sleep the night before. I was in bed for about 10 but for some reason couldnt sleep but i thought well at least im resting, at about 1 i must have dozed off only to be woken at 1.15AM with the light on again, the bloody Germans had returned and switched it on, as well as drying their hair (the rain had returned) and talking loudly again-i couldnt beleive it! What a cheek! So after telling them to turn the light out and quiet down they kept on doing it, what ever happened to being respectful and considering other people eh????? it was 1.15AM!!! Come on people! So after 1 hour of listening to their squeaky voices, brushing teeth, combing hair blah blah they turned out the light-thank the lord! but oh no the talking kept on going and the mobile phones came out, they started calling home, by this time the Thom Bateman temper had came out in me, and so once again i told them to shut it! 30minutes later i got peace-thank you!!! Bloody Germans (apologies if your related to one but it just seems its always them who annoy me!!!!haha) And the girl even had a cheek to ask for her quilt back, i think not!!!

Anywhay, today is the day i leave Cairns, (how good am i being up to date with my blogs!!!) im heading to the airport tonight for my flight to 'Brisbane' where i will stay for a few days before heading to 'Noosa' to see 'The Steve Irwin Zoo' etc and then onto 'Surfers Paradise' before leaving Queensland forever and heading to Sydney where i will be meeting up with Laura woohoo!!!! 😊

Well peeps, as you can see my time in Cairns has been good, had some really good nights out, caught up with Vicki and seen a lot of new films but to be truthful i think my time here is ending just at the right time-im starting to get a little bored of the same routine each day and also i may hit the German girls if i stayed any longer in that room! haha! bring on the next new adventure! Hope your all taking care! x


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