We are now in Queensland - BRISBANE and having a ball!

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October 22nd 2006
Published: October 22nd 2006
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What a time we are having, we have met up with Kira,Gary,Jamie and Adam who we met in Fiji, you would never have known we only met them for 24 hours in Fiji and now we are staying with them in their house. They are all of similar age to us and they left two days after Fiji to come to Oz, they now have jobs here and we have been here staying with them since Thurs. We will probably leave Tuesday to get on with our magical journey. We have had such a laugh so far, considering we have not got drunk since we left the UK, we have made up for it since we got to Brisbane, with the four of them being Irish, its very hard to keep up! But hey ho! We had an early night Thursday and then went clubbing in Brisbane on Friday, it was so much fun, see the pics of the girls getting ready for the night out, home at 4.00am it was great.

One thing we have to mention here is that Steve has made it into an Australian paper, in the pub, he got his photo taken whilst playing pool, for the pubs 21st birthday, we bought two copies of the Sunday paper and we took a photo of it to show you, he even has his name in lights! Under the SPORTS STAR section as well....hilarious! He always manges to get his face in the papers, he did it in Dubai too!!

We had an early start on Saturday as we were all going to DREAMWORLD which is Oz's Alton Towers! (We did an hour long road trip, the girls in one car and the boys in another, see the road trip photo of us girls in the car!) It has the Guiness Book of Records, freefall drop called The tower of Terror, see pic! God it was the scariest ride ever but so much fun, there was log flumes, rollercoasters and is the home of Australias big brother studio. Also the home of Sponge Bob! Another great photo of me, Steve and Adam! The rides were mad and Adam was very sick on the way home, and as usual Steve got sick on the rides as he always does, then after we went back to the pub for a yummy steak dinner! Fillet Steak, with lots of steamed veggies! God are we missing our mums' food, we havent had real veggies for ages! We all flaked out when we got home and had an early night, although after a few beers at the pub we all needed it. Tonight we are probably going out again, we got a taxi into the city just now to find an internet cafe. We will write again once we have left Brisbane. Thanks for all your messages! Keep them coming!

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23rd October 2006

The good old irish!!!
Are any of them Murphy's???? Sounds like your really getting into the drinking spirit. Please look after Steve Mrs Randy Porter!!!! Same again!!!!
24th October 2006

hi from cold wet GDGC
Hey guys. thought i'd say hi as i'm sat in the pro shop on a cold wet october morning. think of that next time you are strolling down to the beach in 35degree heat!. I'm so jealous of your travels- might have to pack up and leave myself soon. sounds like your having an awesome time anyway. keep having fun and enjoy the rest of your time away. Oh, and steve- looks like your pool is better than your golf!! take it easy folks.

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