Leaving Australia with a bang!

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April 18th 2007
Published: April 18th 2007
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I couldn’t believe that these were my last few days in Brisbane. My return flight to Amsterdam was on Monday morning…so flatmates and me decided that I should leave Australia with a bang. So for my last weekend in Australia we all decided to go to Stradbroke for the weekend. It was a perfect end for a wonderful stay in Australia.

Stradbroke is an Island located just off of Brisbane. The island is a designated national park - nice forest and great beaches. There are many wonderful diving spots off the island…and there are whale watching trips in certain seasons. Sharks can be spotted off the coast many times…

We were 7 of us - we all shared the same dorm room at the hostel on the island. During the day we played on the beach, tried to surf, played soccer, and enjoyed the great Pacific Ocean. In the evening we all cooked together in the hostel kitchen - it was an Indian food night. We had spicy curry with basmati rice…ofcourse we washed it down with a lot of wine and beer. The hostel had a pool and a ping-pong table. All night we played ping-pong and shot pool and then when we were tired we went to the beach in the night. It was great to drink on the beach in the moonlight. Some of the most memorable and wonderful things in life do not cost much…

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