Welcome To Mitchell and Dorina's Travel Diary

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March 16th 2007
Published: March 16th 2007
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Well this is the first post on the new blog. Welcome to what will be an extensive documentation of Mitchell and Dorina's traveling experience.

We wanted to get something set up early so when we actually leave next year we have a good understanding of how the travel diary works. Photos, videos and regular postings will keep friends and family up to date with everything we do and give Dorina and myself something to keep as a memento of our time traveling the world together. Even as I write this, a good 18 months before we go, I feel more excited then I have ever been about anything in my life. This is something I have longed to do for 10 years and it is finally becoming a reality. The best part about it is that I get to share the experience with my beautiful girlfriend Dorina.

As I sit I listen to the Broncos playing catch-up footy against North QLD I wish I was watching it on cable TV while I sit and drink fine coffee in the middle of Italy or as I down another stein on my sixth day straight at Oktoberfest. I’d rather be lost in the middle of Belgium with a piece of chocolate in one hand and a 13%!c(MISSING)herry beer in the other, visiting the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang castle in Austria while sipping on my Trumer Pils or as I explain to a French cellar person how much better beer tastes than wine. And you know what I would even eat a TOMATO if I could be eating on the streets of Spain chasing it with a refreshing San Miguel.

The best thing is that it's all just a matter of time 😊


18th March 2007

Well, well.
Really liked your blog but was vry suprised to read that y ou would eat a tomato. Well, we'll see about that! You will have to show me how to do this. Lots of love mum
18th March 2007

Number 1
Nice Blog guys! and what makes this site even better....... Stevo has made the 1st comment! Better go do some WORK mitch so you can afford this bloody trip.
20th March 2007

would they show the broncos game in italy? wait thats a stupid question of course they wouldnt and just so you know... in italy... when you go to a coffee shop and order coffee or pasterys or whatever it costs double! but I guess by then you will have enough money to waste it :) but i guess actually SITTING down and drinking your coffee isnt a waste of money. i'm just rambling on love julz ps. my comments the longest :) i think that deserves some more of your soup or your juice pps. I wanna go to Italy take me?

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