Manly Beach and Sydney Festival

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January 12th 2008
Published: January 29th 2008
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Sydney FestivalSydney FestivalSydney Festival

Jazz night in The Domain
I caught a ferry over to Manly today with Sarah and her friend, Kim. The beach was packed. It was really hot today so we didn't stay on the beach for too long. Manly is a really nice place, we went for a walk through the centre and had a look in some of the shops and I had a delicious white chocolate and rasperry ice-cream. There was a jazz show in the Domain, at the botanic gardens, tonight as part of the Sydney Festival that's running throughout January. Sarah and I met Kim down there this evening but we were quite a distance from the stage, it was really busy because it was such a nice day today. I think I came to Sydney at the right time of year, there's lots of stuff happening through January because of the Sydney Festival and the Chinese New Year festivities are going on through most of February.


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