Sydney 15 -21 January

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January 21st 2007
Published: January 21st 2007
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Well it is now Sunday 21st Jan and our last day in Sydney - it is hot hot hot, although Manly Beach is closed because surf's up - but up too much - honestly these Aussies are such wimps!
We arrived last Monday to find my friend Pippa and her youngest son Tom waiting at the airport to meet us - haven't seen her for 15 or so years so amazing she recognised me! She had arranged for us to use the house of a friend of hers - well what a house and what an area - we were so sad not to be staying in a hot, dusty caravan park!

The next day we headed into Darling Harbour in the city to wildlife world with Pippa and her boys, Tom, Max and Joe. Kieran wanted to cuddle a koala, but they only let you stand near them and then have your photo taken - still they would have had to wake the koala up to cuddle him - they sleep for 20 hours and day and have a very tiny brain to conserve energy - what a way to live! The four of us then went to the aquarium which was wonderful and we spent hours in there, by the time we came out it was evening - yes a beautiful warm, sunny evening where you don't need a jumper - do you all remember those? We decided it was too lovely to go home so went to the Sydney Tower to look at the views - all I can say is it is very high and you can see a long way. They also have a simulator ride thing, where at one point you have to wear headphones - I couldn't hear the commentary as Yas and Kieran kept shouting how much they were enjoying it - they were so loud everyone could hear them - I may put them up for adoption yet! By the time we got out it was dark and still very warm (sorry!) so we walked to Circular Quay and had a quick bite to eat overlooking the harbour. To get home we had to catch the Manly ferry back which is a 30 minute ride accross the harbour - once we got out on the water we did actually feel a bit chilly you will be pleased to know. It was a late night and a long day, but we felt it had been really worth it.

Wednesday - no-one up very early, well except me but I just savour that peace and quiet - the house has a deck which is t leaf height - it is wonderful to sit with a cup of (weak Australian) tea and listen to and watch the birds. Later in the morning Pippa and the boys come and pick us up to go to the beach for the day. We take our snorkel gear and manage to see quite a few different fish including a ray - all very exciting!

Thursday - set off to the Olympic park to watch some of the junior olympic gymnasts. Took a ferry there which is really lovely.We were quite naughty and didnt look round the whole of the Olympic park but instead spent most of the time in the water fountains where we got drenched head to toe!In the evening we all climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It was amazing - as we walked up the first part of the bridge the sky was a beautiful pinky purple followed by the Sydney skyline at night.

Friday - We went to Bondi Beach - which was heaving and didnt meet Kieran's expectations. But we all had fun in the very cold sea!We then went to Su's friends Andrew and Jane and there two lovely children Fregus and Hugh who cooked us a lovely BBQ.


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