Unforgettable experience

Published: April 10th 2014
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Hi my name is Guillaume,

Two weeks ago, at Sydney Airport, when I was waiting for the departure of my flight to Paris, at the boarding gate, something strange happened and I missed my plane.

Few hours before, I was visiting the Heaven Park. This park is wonderful because of the beauty of the landscape, trees and the wildlife. I saw Koalas, kangaroos, sharks, snakes. When I swam in the barrier reef, I met thousand of colored fishes. I was the happiest man in the world!

At the sunset, after a great day in the park, I had an idea: “I have to get a souvenir!”.

Near the park exit, two emus were eating. Along the fence, I saw an egg and I thought: “What a beautiful souvenir”! I jumped over the fence, took the egg and ran to the exit. Suddenly, emus looked at me and started to run after me like “bip bip”! I was scared to death but I finally found an issue in the wire fencing.

Phew! I was safe but I was a right mess and I turned bright red. I took some water from my back pack and took a taxi to the airport.

Arrived at the airport, I passed the security control and ran to the boarding gate. Finally, seated on the floor my luggage started to move, a little bit then more and more. I felt embarrassed. A security man came to me and told me to open my bag but I wouldn’t. I couldn’t open my bag because I stole an emu egg and I’m not allowed to do it. I was a criminal and I was worried. His colleague arrived and took my bag, opened it and found a suspicious object. He took pieces of the egg. The eggshell was broken. The egg had hatched.

I went with the security in their office, paid a penalty, missed my plane and lost my souvenir!!


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