Day 12 - Drive through Wyoming

Published: May 22nd 2009
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After yesterday, today was bound to be a little bit of a let down. We contemplated getting up super early to hit the road but instead decided that getting up by 7 and on the road by 9 would be perfect. Luckily, Levi got that memo and was the only one to follow through on the "get up by 7" portion of the plan. He was up and ready to party by 7. We were forced to join the party and start our departure. We got on the road around 9 and started the extremely long and sometimes painful (literally) drive into Southwestern Wyoming. Sarah sat in the back seat for the first 3 hours to help Paul with school work. Levi napped a little while and Todd did a most excellent job of driving. Most of this part of the drive was a repeat from a few days ago so we was skilled at it! 😊 Around 12:30 we arrived in Glenrock, Wyoming to have our picnic lunch at a park and visit a small town paleontology museum. There was a 2nd grade class on their fieldtrip there - so Paul joined right in and did the worksheet that they were working on. It was definitely a different experience from the huge professional museums we have visited earlier on the trip. After the museum we hit the road for another 4+ hours of driving. It was very very long. Levi slept for awhile and the rest of us sang, talked, and took photos from the car. Towards the end of the drive, Paul and Sarah had fun writing notes to each other on the on Paul's little Magnadoodle. Towards the end of our drive, we hit the 2,500 mile mark of the trip. And let it be known that Sarah has driven around TWO parking lots - and Todd has done ALL of the rest. Wow. Finally, around 6:30 pm we pulled into Rock Springs, WY. We picked up a fast food dinner and headed to Western Wyoming Community College to see their display of 5 mounted dinosaur skeletons. The display was very well done and the perfect size to let the kids run a little after being trapped in the car most of the day. We took pictures with each dinosaur before driving the few blocks to our hotel. At the hotel we quickly got the boys ready for bed and then camped out in our little bathroom to work on the computer. To make the best use of space and to try to remedy her sitting-in-the-car aches, Sarah took a long bath too. It was a very long day of driving. Luckily Paul didn't think we spent enough time in the car. Crazy kid. Tomorrow should be a great day with some fun sites and far less car time. Hopefully we'll all sleep well tonight!

Day 12 Stats

• 2530 total miles driven
• 96.9 total gallons of gasoline consumed
• Average 26.1 MPG
• 52 hours, 25 minutes in the car
• 0 additional state license plates


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