Winter Camping

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December 5th 2008
Published: December 5th 2008
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This is my first travel entry. I live in Cody, Wyoming and this weekend we went on our annual snow camping adventure which has become a tradition at our house. In previous years, we actually load the four season tent and below 0 degree sleeping bags and head out to the Big Horn Mountains. We pack instant oatmeal, hot chocolate, and ramen noodles usually as food. (Take a little Peppermint Schnapps too!) We enjoy the campfire and our dog, Caleb, a husky tramples through the snow. The kids dig snowforts and play next to the frozen creek. Its truly a magical experience. I caution that this type of camping is not for the faint of heart. You must have proper gear and stay focused on your vitals. You must remain dry.
---But this year we have a new smaller travel trailer that we hauled to our favorite spot. This was so nice to have a warm place to retreat. We woke up Saturday morning to falling snowflakes and came home one day early but it was wonderful.
On the way home we decided to spend our last night camping at Elk Fork Campround in the Shoshone National Forest. The weather was fantastic for December and again had a great time. My favorite part of winter camping is the campfire. In the winter your really appreciate it!


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