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December 2nd 2007
Published: December 2nd 2007
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After my work leaving party I went home and packed - drunk - and so far don't seem to have missed anything vital... And what a great last day at work it was too, most amazing was that my colleagues had a whip-round and raised enough to buy me a digital SLR! Wow! I can't say a huge enough thank you for that.

So despite all my meticulous planning there was, of course, nothing I could do to prevent a flight delay. I ended up collecting my bag from the carousel at Chicago about 4 minutes before the flight to Austin took off from a different terminal... Oh well. I was only 4 hours late.

And this time I entered the USA what do I get a hard time from the immigration official about? Is it my visit to Iran? How about the time I went to Syria? Is it that I'm on a one-way ticket? No, none of these - this time he gets the hump because I have a visa instead of entering on the visa waiver scheme. WTF???? Oh, and I'm not sure he really liked purple hair. And possibly not the Flying Spaghetti Monster t-shirt.

Anyway, now I'm here and really enjoying doing absolutely nothing...


2nd December 2007

Welll Done
Glad to hear that you made your flight from Heathrow. I wasn't sure that you would, given the ocean of alcohol imbibed. Hope that the hangover wasn't too bad on the plane. Have a fabulous time. Am not in the slightest bit jealous given the horrid weather and lack of daylight here at the moment. Loads of love El
3rd December 2007

Immigration schmimmigration
Well done Matt! Just one more example of why I won't fly to or through the States. Bunch of crazies. The United States of Paranoia... Have fun...

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