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September 18th 2013
Published: September 18th 2013
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still in Knoxville😊

breathing on a cool evening

cool day today

it went without a hitch

not really there was a time when I was down

when I was detached

from the people's of the world

too into me

I guess

experiencing time away


and then there was the Greek salad and the Egyptian sampler at King Tuts

with a girl

casual it was and fun

she is very sweet attractive and smart

I was going to say nice but that is very similar to sweet

she does not like sweet tea though or un-sweet very much for that matter

she likes spicy food and she likes to cross-country ski

she liked the food tonight

we had foul mahadoosh

or something of the like

she tasted grape leaves for the first time

filled with ooey gooey goodness

I had dessert


which was the best

which she likes to make

she the baker

no names yet, sorry

crickets lull me to sleep

and the voice of cars soothing in the distance

the moon is near full

and josh the camel from work

eats much grass

Fixture was one of the bands I was in in high school

the girl and I listened to that and was told of her pepper spray experience at a high school concert at a bowling alley

it was not very pleasant for her but memorable

and Martha stares on with that look from my mantle piece

papa smiles that smile

and I sit and type of my experiences

if you spell Martha mathra it seems interesting


wikipeedee says Mathra is a village in Kerala India where there is farming and streams and is very picturesque.

perhaps I will go there someday😊

who knew "misspelling" Martha would lead me, perhaps, to a small village in India

though I have been reading about India lately

I starting rereading the story of the Buddha in graphic novel form

I started with book 7 this time though

pretty cool

so I enjoied my time this evening

thanks for writing me that letter and suggesting it she

may the world be at peace for the day is done

except where it is not done

may they enjoy peace too because their day will soon be done

and ours will be getting going so that peace will transfer over to us

because we are all connected

make sense?

😊 prolly not

but may the macaws of Peru have a great night

may the people of Mathra enjoy the streams and farm beautiful crops

tasty beautiful crops

may Martha and papa do as they do

may we conceive a world without borders and limits and universal compassion for all beings

what else shall I type?

lesson for the day?

be grateful as Ajahn Punnadhammo says

and many others

be at rest



rest well mother

we come to be at rest

when our mind is clear

and our heart is one with mind

and there is no fear because we know


we know that there is no beginning

no ending

no time

no space

only potentials for life

giving and receiving other perfections

giving our self

receiving little kindnesses

large kindnesses

and doing the work because it needs to be done

participating in a world because there is simply nothing else to do


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