
Published: August 7th 2007
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June 27

On my way to Sturgis to ride through the Black Hills National Park. Stayed in Billings MT last night and picked up the necessary maps at the AAA to make it to the east coast. While I was at the Travel Café downtown Billings, I met the proud owner of a Tomberlin MadAss 50 two stroke scooter. Very cool!

June 29

I stayed the previous two nights in Spearfish and the tonight I’m staying in a roach motel in Sturgis. As Craig pointed out, the voicemail was to "leave a damn message!". Beautiful riding roads weave throughout the park. Lot of RVs and traffic are on the road now that school is out. Once again I have to watch out for those deer popping on the road.

I visited Mount Rushmore, another American icon. Personal observation: Interesting what you can get away with in the early half of the 19th century. These days, decades of environmental studies would be needed only to realize you couldn't blast during the mating season of marmots or the monument couldn’t be build because indigenous lizards would be displaced.

June 30

With advice from the locals I hopped on hwy 212 and blasted east. I dropped in and visit the Bear Butte State Park where several Indian tribes regarded the mountain as holy ground and would perform spiritual ceremonies.

I'm out of the mountains and traveling across the American plains. Like the joke says "you can see your dog run away for days". I'm battling wicked crosswinds and boredom. I wished had a buysa or ZX14 to "shorten" the long straight aways. I was planning on spending the weekend in Aberdeen, but there are no free hotel rooms. I'm forced to keep traveling east and find a motel in the tiny town of Webster. Posted by the front desk is a poster by the North Dakota Game & wildlife Authorities on the acceptable method for dressing and transporting fish and fowl. Glad I didn't bag a deer during my ride. Aside from the trip to the hospital I would also get a fine for not dressing the carcass properly. Actually, I found out from a local hunter that if you hit a deer and call it in to ND authorities, it's legal to keep it. :o

July 1

I make it into Fargo and I'm hanging out for the next couple of days. I plan to catch a movie, clean my bike and rest before I head to Duluth Minnesota on the shores of Lake Superior.


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