Published: February 16th 2006
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Despite not having a boyfriend I still love Valentines Day. There are many reasons including being thankful for my family and friends. But the greatest thing about this holiday would have to be the CHOCOLATE!!! The chocolate industry just may be the greatest creation in the world. I could eat chocoalte on any day and at any given time. Being that Valentines Day is known for chocolate and flowers, life couldn't get much better for me on February 14th. It is awesome because chocolate is everywhere and it is amazing to have, in my opinion, a holiday where it is expected that you eat chocolate (not that i need an excuse to eat it everyother day!). Even though you can have it at all times during the year, the best and newest types of chocolates seem to come out around Valentines Day. You get to choose from truffles, chocolate cookies, solid chocolate, boxes of chocolate, chocolate covered strawberries and the list goes on! What could be better?! All in all I think that Valentines Day may be the best holiday purely because of the DELICIOUS chocolate!


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