Mr. Rogers Neighborhood

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December 5th 2013
Published: December 5th 2013
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The modern day philosopher I chose was Mr. Rogers from Mr. Rogers neighborhood. I chose this because I remember watching his show at a very young age. He helped send a special message to many kids, which is important because the sooner children learn, the better. Many of the things he said can be applicable to all ages, and I feel like he is overlooked. He sends a message that everyone is different- and that's okay. These quotes send a message of equality- no matter who you are, just like many people fighting for gender and race equality did. He fights for personal freedom. He fights for the freedom to express oneself and be accepted. He expresses in releasing one's inner child and doing what you love. He believes that we will always have our inner child- it will always be there for us when we need it. We could all take a lesson from this and learn to release our inner child- specially those with stressful lives. His carefree attitude eases others' minds in telling them that everything is fine and will be fine as long as you want it to be.


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