all you need is love, beatles. same beginning as ending. i believe in what? pure knowing, seeing yah de dah dah. longer and longer title!!!!

Published: April 18th 2013
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good morning friends. yes it is a good morning. always right? well, the sun is shining and the weather , for now, is cool. the cats have free range here at my bro's house and his wife Meagan's; that is i cracked the door open for them to get in and out (the cats, not the people). they have a long hair and a short haired cat. both the same colors: white, brown, black, light brown. a kind of tabby, i guess? i will have to look it up. (they are calico, tabby's have stripes)

i went for a morning walk meditation. to do this i chose a route that is relatively short and then repeated the route 5 or 6 times, not sure. the route i chose is basically 2 coldisacs bridged by a short lane. this i walked over and over again. each time you walk the route you notice something different. or you get lost in thought and then come back. such is the nature of meditation. then i came inside and did a sitting meditation for a period of time. maybe 20 minutes. i watched the breath.

here now i sit talking to you (via words) all lovely folks. Eric and Meagan are off to work. had a nice dinner last night of quesadillas and black bean salad. and Puffin cereal and banana for breakfast. thank you granma. the mower outside is going to work. when will i go to work? or is this my work for now? putting in apps here and there then travelling on. i suppose i will get to knoxville or maybe to nashville for a visit. jeremy, linda, julia do you here me? asheville? molly?

We'll, i do not know much about Pittsboro, NC but perhaps i will find out. seems a nice place so far. i have been here a few times already. the courthouse burned down several years ago and it has been in the remaking and just now getting finished up. they were (they being: workers of landscape and construction) rolling out the grass, i saw, yesterday. it has a copper roof! that is fabulous. the new red brick courthouse is 2 or 3 stories tall and is surrounded by a circular road. i have heard that Pittaboro is sometimes called the circular town (or circle city, how bout?) because of this set up. not sure why it burned to the ground (maybe to build a new one! jobs, etc.). something else to find out.

i slept well. i had a dream that i got a tatoo of the words Jesus Saves on my upper thigh. probably has something to do with the fact that i watched part of The Temptation of Christ last night with Willem Dafoe and Harvey Keitel.

i enjoied my time with grandma Dumplin. we went to the nature center (NC Botanical garden). marvelous structures there. 3 builings, each two stories tall, with metal roofs and huge cisterns to catch water to water all the native plants. there is a nice book store in there, reference library, and pictures of ferns in the Smokies (great photographs). there are like 80000 fern species in the Smokies they estimate. part of the All Taxa Biodiversity gathering (Inventory). there are also many trails which we did not do. we spent time walking around the restaurants and stores in Fearington Village (FV) instead. FV started in 1974 by RB Fitch. there a beltie cows on the property, remnants from the farm that once was, now a neighborhood, mostly for retired folk. though granma says some of the houses are wearing down and that those houses you have to maintain the yards yourself. these, the younger folk with kids are buying and fixing up. so it is a mix of old and new, like the architecture.

carry on my friends. thank you for listening. i will leave you with this:

breathing in, breathing out

typing in typing out

walt whitman says love the earth love the animal

and leave that which does not resonate with your soul

examine what you learned in school and the bible



factor of enlightment

pictures on wall


no blood



breathe in breathe out


the time or not time

while you are here

let go of depressions



let go

listen to Walt

the witty man

florida cougars


same thing


come to see you

penquins too bad not in florida

farther south

farther south we go

to drive

or walk

which is easier?


does not matter

do the journey

and enjoi

breathe in breathe out




as robert and martha would say

enjoi as Abraham might say

and Theresa R.


always there

as teacher and student are not seperated

which is the teacher which is the student

older younger?



star wars

which is the teacher/master

which is the apprentice?

questions unconcerned

walking talking going doing being

love thy self

love thy self

love thy not self

my friends

be with all and be empty to fill the cup

then empty again

cat is popping beside me in the litter box in computer room


my mind scratches

it scratches my mind


my fingers

with what?

with what

what is controlling these words that type?



let go let go

breathe in breathe out

what is control?



control is comfort but still what is it?

what is it?

for get it

breathe in breathe out

as walt whitty man would say

do not argue over God.

breathe in breathe out


now stinky in here must really leave

but dangit i have to spell check



as the Beatles say i believe (p.s. why does the cat come inside to poo? habit is the hobgoblin of small minds as thoreau might say)

All you need is love


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